Wet Hair

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Applejack woke up to the sound of a loud horn sounding. The groans of other campers could faintly be heard from their cabins. AJ turned over, climbed down and kissed her family photo. AJ then noticed Rarity had a picture of a man. He looked posh and was smiling broadly in the photo. Scribbled on the back was: I wish you'd come back to us. AJ wondered what had happened but decided it was none of her buisiness. She went into her drawer and got her wash kit. Lavender Shade then woke. She had a strand of lilac hair in her big grey eyes.
"I wish we didn't have to get up so early!" She sighed, blowing it. She climbed out of bed and grabbed her shampoo, and a small bag. She smiled at Applejack.
"I see they aren't going to budge!" Lav said to Applejack, nodding towards the other bunk bed. AJ shook Valentine who moaned sleepily. She then did Rarity who opened one twinkling eye.
"Hey, AJ. Shouldn't we be sleeping a little longer?" She whispered. AJ laughed.
"Rarity, it's time to take a shower! C'mon, girl!" She said. Rarity sighed and fluffed her glossy purple locks. Then with a sigh she unhooked her wash kit from her bunk. Applejack saw that she had black smudges around her eyes. Definitely some kind of fancy makeup. They went to the showers and washed. Rarity came out last with a towel wrapped around her.
"Applejack, do you ever brush your hair!?" Rarity asked in disgust.
"Well, I, erm-"
"Thought so."
Applejack scowled at Rarity and continued to pack her wash kit back up. Rarity was picking up her makeup bag. She looked beautiful without makeup, but she applied it anyway. AJ left the showers and went into the cabin. She pulled on a red jumper with a brown wooly cardi. She wore her hat as usual and her fave boots. She tucked her insulated trousers into them. It looked cold outside. Rarity then burst in. She still had very wet hair. AJ saw that it was straight and wet. Rarity brushed it, blow dried it and then curled it while AJ watched in confusion. Rarity then chose a cute looking outfit: a magenta t-shirt, a white hoodie, a short magenta skirt, magenta long socks with a white ribbon at the top of each and white trainers. Rarity looked at them in disgust, but slipped them on her feet. AJ felt like Rarity would be in the spotlight wherever she went if she continued to dress like some kind of sports clothes model.

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