Party Animals

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Applejack pushed open the door to Pinkie's cabin. She immediately hugged Applejack and gave her a big kiss.
"Welcome aboard the PARTAY express!" She screamed. Rarity shushed her.
"Pinkie! If Miss Runnymede hears she'll go cray cray!" Rarity hissed. Pinkie Pie gave her a big hug too and yanked her in. The room was buzzing with other campers, all dancing to the radio. Valentine headed in and started moving to the beat, cherry coloured hair swaying with her body. Rarity shrugged and started twirling to Party Rock. She noticed Applejack staring at her while she danced. Rarity stopped and realising she'd been been caught Applejack turned away. Rarity shyly walked over and held out her hand. AJ turned and saw.
"Ah don't dance." She said flatly. Rarity shook her head.
"Everyone dances. You let yourself go and feel the music rush through you!" She smiled. Rarity then pulled AJ into the middle of the cabin with the rest. She then spun around with Applejack and they both laughed. Then they both started dancing properly. Rarity was swaying and twirling while Applejack jumped and moved about wildly. Rarity smiled.
"Punch?" Rarity asked, panting. AJ nodded, out of breath but happy. They went to get a drink and then danced again. Then Rarity started to yawn.
"Wanna go back?" Applejack smiled. Rarity nodded sleepily.
"Bye!" Applejack called out to Val, who waved. Rarity linked arms with Applejack and lay her head on her arm. AJ felt a tingle run through her. It was a good thing it was dark, because her face was bright red.
"Thanks Applejack. And... sorry." Rarity sighed. Applejack stroked her hair.
"It's ok, sugarcube. The past is past, remember?"
"I actually love your scent. It's warms me up inside."
They arrived in the cabin. Lavender was snoring softly, clutching her teddy bear. Rarity climbed into her top bunk and AJ into her own. They both said goodnight and fell asleep smiling without a wink.

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