Here At Camp

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Applejack spun around excitedly. Finally she was here. Girls were all around, wearing different clothing, sporting different hairstyles... but everyone was smiling. Applejack saw a girl who looked quite nice. She had short, blue hair with a big red flower. Applejack decided to make friends.
"Hey there, I'm Applejack!" she smiled. The girl turned around and ducked her head.
"I'm Coco. This is my second time here.." she looked away. Applejack grinned. She was very cute.
"It's my first. Maybe you could teach me some stuff about this place, how about a tour? And who are your other friends?" Applejack babbled. Coco looked up, behind Applejack.
"I'd like to be friends with her.." She said, pointing a small finger over Applejack's shoulder. Applejack turned around and saw a small girl. She was very pretty and she was wearing expensive-looking white jeans and a black sequin blouse. It had a white fringe and was cropped, showing a flat stomach. She also sported a black, shiny belt and she wore flat shoes. Her long purple hair was curly and hanging loose. She wore a black and white headband and her eyes where very blue. Applejack looked at the crowd that surrounded her as she chatted none stop, hoop earrings bouncing. By the looks of it everyone wanted to be her friend! Applejack glanced at Coco. She was staring at the pretty girl. Applejack decided that there was no reason for Coco not to be friends with this girl, so she pushed through the crowd and ended up face to face with the pretty one. Applejack saw that she was about half a head smaller than her and was quite cute but feisty-looking. Applejack coughed.
"Ahem. Erm.. ya know that girl Coco over there? Well... wanna be her friend?"

RariJack Crush On U Vol. 1Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora