Getting Cozy

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The room was quieter than before you had arrived, you're sure. The boy with the purple streak, Eridan, you learned – the youngest ­– was eating cereal quietly across from you. Surprisingly, the person you hadn't learned the name of was now known, Cronus. It was a nice name, very empowering but... It just didn't fit the face of the character.

There were dips and angles to their face that told a story of a different person. There were scars on their face, you noticed, when they pinned back their bangs with a bobby pin. You had been silent out of respect. You would surely make a fool of yourself if you were being honest. No matter how sincere with your questions you tried to be, there was always an underlying tone of unnecessary confusion. You wanted to make friends here; you'd be watching them for fucks sake.

You blink gently against the heat coiling from your still untouched cup of coffee. It smelled very nutty, aromatic and warm. You take a daring sip and you're genuinely surprised by the sweetness. Nothing you're used to for coffee, sure, but there are so many flavors. Vanilla, chocolate and... something about the milk or cream they used. It was rich and creamy and... You find yourself a little less-than-carefully chugging the brew.

"I make this kinda coffee when dad's home. He really likes it," Cronus says beside you. They had been on their phone, ignoring their own cup of coffee. From here, it smells like straight coffee grounds. "I swear coffee is in his blood."

You find yourself sheepishly smiling. He'd definitely prefer coffee over orange juice. You're sort of surprised by the memory. It seems so long ago... End of September, wasn't it? Three weeks? A month? October was near its end, but not nearly quick enough for Halloween. You try to not let your mind drift, but you find yourself curious as to how they celebrate it; if they do at all.

Something else interrupts your thoughts. How long would I be watching them, anyway? They both seem capable... Why would...? There has to be a reason... After finishing the sweet concoction, you silently crave more, but you decide against it and clear your throat.

"So um... How's school?" Better to get used to them now than later and have it be an inconvenience.

"Eri-boy's in secondary, I'm starting college next semester; don't exactly want to jump any dogs I'm not prepared for." You blinked and watched Cronus drink their coffee while watching you. "Oh," they realize. "I meant high school. Sorry, that's a thing they call it in the UK."

"You've visited? What part?" Cronus goes on to explain they've practically been all over the UK, granted with people they didn't really like. The visits to these places were overall bittersweet. They didn't quite go into the nature of those people, but the things they saw were amazing to hear.

I wish I had money, you whine internally. What it would be like to see the Eiffel tower lit up at night, all snowy and surreal. Or the rivers of Venice? The coliseum of Rome? You're lost in what could be if you were well off by a chuckle. You find it's deeper than the two that sat around you. You snap your gaze to the kitchen door frame and blanch at the very sleepy looking Abraham.

"Sup, pops?" Cronus raises their mug and takes another hearty sip. Eridan gets up to put his bowl away, you assume, and he hugs his father about the waist with one arm before disappearing into the kitchen. Abraham takes his spot, across from you with a mug of his own.

"Sleep, boy. Tis a precious thing I take fer granted." Abraham rubs his eyes and stifles a yawn. You're just... Frozen. Seems to be happening a lot today. What's it been, even? An hour? You're hopeless. You have to pull up a smile when he eyes you. Pay attention! But you find even doing that is hard. His accent is so heavy, still laced with the intoxication of sleep. It's almost hypnotic.

"Sorry ta keep ya with these gups, ­­­­­_____. I'm glad yer here, though." Cronus is still scrolling on their phone, feet kicked up on the chair across from them. You realize Abraham doesn't care much for the mannerisms. Or he's too sleepy. The lounging child does nothing to bother you, however, you politely ignore them.

"You asked me to come over so I... I would've felt bad if I didn't show up." Not to mention this is technically a job interview. You suddenly feel your hands clam up. "I'm sorry if I showed up too early, though..."

"Not'all. I didn't expect ta fall asleep aft'r my alarm pissed me off," He waves a dismissive hand and takes a large gulp of the coffee. He hums and smacks the leg of Cronus gently. From the corner of your eye, Cronus smiles. You almost feel awkward in the midst of this. "How're ya feelin'? Did ya take a look around?"

Cronus suddenly chuckles. "____'s kept that ass of theirs glued to that seat for nearly an hour 'na half."

"Why didn't ya offer it? I'm sure ya know why she's in the fuckin' house?" Your lips tighten. You remember there was never true silence or calm. This was normal right? Cronus aligns themselves in their chair and turned to you.

"Would ya like me ta show ya 'round?" They were imitating Abraham and you couldn't help the cheesy grin that overtook your features. Abraham muttered how Cronus was a little shit, and Cronus chuckled deeply.

"I mean, it would be nice to walk around. I do feel kind of achy." They rose from their chair and offered to pull out your chair. Fucking what? Chivalrous little... Shoo! You assured them you got it, through your blushing fit, you smiled to Abraham. He continued chugging down the brew almost as quickly as you did.

Cronus glossed over the dining room, kitchen, living room and foyer. What you didn't expect was how wide the den was. It connects to the hallway, kitchen and laundry room. You learned that the second archway on your right led to a rather roomy laundry room, set with a closet and cabinets along its walls. A small bathroom was at the end of this section.

The den was maybe the entire length of the apartment; and boy was that not small. The den consisted of many bookshelves, a very nice but modest looking television set up and couches of all shapes and sizes. You silently hoped Abraham wasn't that odd kind of home decorator. You liked variety, but at separate intervals in your life was probably more preferable.

Eridan was sitting at the lilac couch, across from the hazelnut colored armchair, between the olive loveseat and the reddish recliner. The sentence makes your head hurt. He's playing some first-person shooter, you notice. Ah, the luxury of video games. Too bad you grew up.

Cronus asks if you want to see upstairs. Thinking it a little too personal on a first-meet note, you ask for a brief over. "Rooms. Mine, pops', Eri's and a guest room. There's a hallway bathroom, and a master bathroom in pops'. A closet and uh... Oh, pops' study. It's small though, not exactly the biggest."

You wonder why they decided to tell you that. Maybe it was just programmed to extend what seemed unimportant. Honestly, why would you worry about his study anyway? You go back to the dining room after excusing yourself to the bathroom and sit across from Abraham. He was reading the newspaper, but acknowledged you fully once you sat down.

"They seem to like ya," He nods to Cronus who disappears upstairs. "They didn't quite like Shelly." There was something sour about the way he said her name. He sounded more awake, so you couldn't blame it on him being tired. "Eridan takes a while to get buddy-buddy wit', but I can assure ya, he's got good intentions. How're ya likin' it?"

"It's very comfortable here. Honestly, I'm glad I'm handling this so well." He chuckles and you can't help but smile. "You're already set on me being their babysitter, huh?"

"Yes," is all he says. You expect a drawn out reasoning for it, but he just sips his coffee and flexes the newspaper to straighten up. You draw your lips in a straight line and look down at your folded hands in your lap. Guess this is the start of something new, huh?

You smile at the way things've turned out. Guess sometimes it pays to get chummy with the customers.

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)  - Whoooooooooop, hope you guys don't mind that specific headcanon. I really like the idea of trans!Cronus. They're female bodied, but prefer he/them pronouns. I'll update the tags, just in case. Maybe another update today. As in consecutive, not that much later. We'll see after some food. -( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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