Morning Fuss

931 29 18

×× Update two of several more to come! I would also like to announce that I'm getting my laptop for Christmas! More time for requests, more time to improve. Anyway, here's the second part. Sorry it's short... ××

Your morning routine continued for the rest of the week: open shop, morning rush, evening rush, close; rinse and repeat. You were a little exhausted, but you were glad you got to chat up Mr. Ampora. He quickly became a regular after that Wednesday morning, and up until Saturday, he'd visited for a number three and a tall black coffee. You surely admired his accent and his work; who knew overseas shipping was such a hard job?

You'd be pissed if you had to work from eight in the morning to nine at night every week! Sure, some days you close shop - at five thirty - but never so late! No wonder he never spends time with his kids...

You also learned of his two sons, Eridan and Cronus, but they were always with a babysitter. You wished you could meet them, but that just spurred on irrelevant thoughts of being too friendly. Charles always mentioned that befriending the customers was detrimental to work ethic.

Not that you care about ethic, Charles.

You put the key in your purse and headed home. Tomorrow was Sunday, your day off. You couldn't focus on what you wanted to do, and your thoughts kept drip-dropping on by Mr. Ampora.

Damn that man.


Your Sunday goes by uneventful with a film and a few bags of chips. You tell yourself you're going to work out one of these Sunday's or holidays off. Both you and your stomach know it's not happening. With a near unreasonable amount of sleep, and another early-morning headache to boot, you prepared for work. You slugged your way to the front door shivered at the unexpected cold. Fall was just around the corner. Your stomach suddenly dropped when you realized every coffee shop worker's fear:

Pumpkin Spice.

You visibly shuddered as you walked down the quiet streets to the coffee shop. Once you arrived at your destination, you began unlocking things. Shelly was just coming down the street when she hurried to help you open shop.

How unexpected.

"You're here early, Shell. What happened?"

"N-nothing! I had extra time before classes today, so I figured I could get some more hours in..." You quirked your lip.

"You could get more hours in, but I doubt you'll get much more pay. Bring it up to Charles when he gets in second shift." She nodded meekly and went to set up the computer.

Shelly seems to be hiding... something.

You decided not to dwell on it as you cleaned up a little bit. So far, this morning has been baffling to say the least, and your headache appreciates none of it. After changing the closed sign to open, a few people entered calmly. After these few people, you noticed Mr. Ampora, that sharp, business-like grin aimed a little ways past you.

He wasn't looking directly at you, though you were manning the register. You cleared your throat and caught his attention, the grin melting to that of a simple, all too casual smile.

"Ah, didn't see ya there, (y/n). Ye weren't workin' yesterday?" He leaned a little on the counter and you let him, seeing as how not many people came at six in the morning. Rush didn't start till seven.

"Most workers have Sunday's off, y'know." Something felt different, about everything. You lazily brought your visor down and rubbed your forehead.

"Had a rough one, didja?" You looked to him curiously and shook your head. "Why are ya looking like that?"

"Mornings aren't my thing. Are you going to order or not?" The sudden harshness should have been expected, considering he was so questioning. He blinked sternly and turned to someone behind you.

"Shelly, dear. A number t'ree, please."


××ooooh, idk what to do here! A fight between Shelly and reader-chan? Reader-chan offing her top and yelling at the flirty business croc? I need ideas; he's back at the coffee shop, you've been acquainted, and you've even some feelings for 'em. It's up to you to decide. A fight? Possibly losing her job but picking one up as a babysitter? Possibly becoming a certain figure to certain someones? Comment or message me. Next update 12/28 ! ××

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