- 2 - Storm's a-Brewin' - 2 -

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~Goin' noooowheeere faaasst, we've reeached the cliiimax.☆~
3000 words!! Minus this a/n. I worked hard on this. I put my soul into this. It took me a week to deliver this. Love me.

Also, a singular disclaimer:

I'm so sorry.


December 20th.

It's about the time for christmas celebration and though you haven't strung garland in years, you find yourself wrapped up in it. Literally. Eridan isn't big on celebrating it, so he wasn't helping - but damn is Cronus super creative. You figured with or without a real holiday, Cronus would still try to make little crafts to celebrate it. You had noticed on Halloween a few cut-out jack-o-lanterns pasted to his door. There was even a (physical) chicken nugget taped to the door some time in November. You didn't ask questions, you just took it as it is.

Just like now.

As you pulled another band of the itchy decoration from your tired body, Cronus began humming something festive. Eridan and Sollux are huddled by the fireplace, scrolling on their phones quietly. Abraham was, maybe, in his office-room-thing.

You never really asked where he conducted most work related business. You hadn't been asked to clean the rooms upstairs besides caring for your own. Not his study, not the closets and not even the bathroom. Cronus and Eridan still had some chores without your doings.

Cronus cursed under his breath, rewrapping the garland and lights gently. You don't know why you allowed yourself to be stolen, right after you had woken up, for this particular activity. You only knew Cronus needed to "release his artistic energies" or else he would "suffer the creative block" later.

Why he started decorating at 8am is questionable to say the least, but it is literally you saying the least. You can't decide between sleeping in this uncomfortable sitting position, or - learning in the time Cronus took to decorate - to sleep with your eyes open.

"No, I don't like the color," Eridan is muttering about something into the ruffle of his blanket. "That fabric looks terrible." He must be looking at scarves with Sollux. It seems to be his new fad. It has also been an interesting two days with Sollux around. You realized he gets used to people quickly. Too quickly. He's already walking around in his boxers and scratching up on his twig and berries.

You perk up, oddly enough. Twig and berries... mistletoe. No, no -- Cronus DEFINITELY did not have any of that in these boxes. You blinked slowly and settled back into your hazy state.

You at least, hoped, Cronus didn't have mistletoe. You looked to the last ream of garland that wrapped your arms to your torso. You remember how it got to this. You woke up for coffee, eager for Cronus' brew when as soon as you landed on the first floor, you were attacked.

"Help me! Today is gonna be a great day! I gotta do this! You love me right?!" Cronus skipped around you, reining you in like a sucker with those blue eyes. Once you were (basically) tied up, he lead you to the den where you noticed the boxes you slumped in the middle of.

"X-mas shit," obviously Eridan's box. "CHRITMASS," (painfully) obviously Cronus' box. And a small box that looked to hold envelopes. A normal, brown rectangle, placed almost regally on the coffee table behind you. You wondered if it was Abraham's and what it held. Something as sensitive as "heirloom" rung in your mind and you let it be.

The last line of garland left your arms and you sighed, rubbing and scratching the still tingling limbs. "Can I have some coffee now?"

"But!" Cronus turns to you, eyes wide and sad. "You didn't even say if ya liked it or nah!"

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