-2- To Be Thankful For -2-

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After a proper explanation of it not being necessary in the bathroom, you both relocated to Eridan's room. He sat at his desk, unable to really get comfortable on his bed. Like the mature (rotted cheese wheel) person you were, you hopped up onto his desk and gave him all of your attention. Again, you barely felt conscious with the red wine in your system, but you let it be and tried to focus on his words.

"Don't ask why I'm going to you with this, but I just... need this."


"He doesn't understand—I just wanted to introduce—but god forbid Cronus brings home—I want to be understood and accepted as easily as Cronus—in short, ___, I'm trying to—"

"I'm gay." You blinked gently and watched Eridan's flushed face hide behind trembling hands. He was sobbing, his phone was going off somewhere and he looked terribly hurt. You didn't care if he was a boy who liked boys. That wouldn't change your respect for him as a person.

To think he was scared of his father's opinion. He should figure that Abe was far more understanding than any other old person you've met. Considering he is a decade or so above your life "rank". You shook your head; not now, drunk thoughts. To save what little face you had, you summoned some courage.

"It doesn't matter, Eridan. Love feels the same no matter what. Love has no preference or anything like that. Love is still love, okay?" He didn't react. Now this didn't bother you, but the fact that he was still sniffling and wiping at snot and tears bothered you. Immensely.

You got off the desk and enveloped him in your arms. You kissed his forehead (unaware that it was a good thing you did) and apologized for his situation. He stifled himself, and though you rubbed his back and shoulder, nothing quite brought him back to vocally expressing himself.

"I can't judge you for something like that, Eri. Things happen, things change and it's always for better or worse." He clung to your arm for dear life, sobbing into the crook of it, just above the roll of your sleeve. Whimpering. That's the most he would allow it seems.

"But, I... I don't fuckin' know, just maybe I wanted to introduce him to Pops today. He's scared, I'm scared I-I don't fuckin' know what to d-do." You frowned against his forehead. After a few paps and humming, you pushed him away softly and stared at him.

"Bring him. Well, invite him over. I mean—you gotta do this. It's imperative. There's no other way to get over something like this until you face it head on and kick it in the ass." He squinted a bit and you stammered. "Well, wait, no. DON'T kick your dad in the ass; I don't think those were good words."

He sniffled and wiped under his glasses. "Maybe I should'a brought up somethin' this sensitive when yer mind wasn't as sensitive." You shot a goofy smile upon realizing his accent came through the baby sobs that were left.

"I'm fine! Just a little buzzed." This reminds you of something very important and you realize you must deal with it appropriately. "Oh geez, um... But yeah! Don't even bring it up to Abe! Just say something like, "this is a person whom of which I very much like the face of! Accept him!" Okay? I have to pee!" And you dart off. You nearly bump into Abraham himself, but the gravity of the situation hasn't sunk in yet for you.

Cronus meets you after your trip to the bathroom with a very sullen look to his eyes. "___...? What did you an' Eri talk about?"

"Oh, well... I spoke to Eri about what Eri and I spoke about." He squinted very passively, like he wanted to be angry, but he couldn't. You didn't want to take the thunder from Eridan's reveal from him. You would let that work out; preferably when you were not around for obvious reasons: you are not family.

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