Just Isn't The Time

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Who's coming back? Surely it wasn't Shelly. An old friend? Nah, he should be happy about that! It took Cronus a minute of wiping snot onto your chest to calm down. So much for getting to wear the nicer shirt.

"I don't k-knowv vwhat to do. I'm recessin', my heart's hammerin', I-I can't think straight--"

"Cronus, hey, shh. I can't understand you if you don't breathe first. Breathe for me, kay?" He wipes his face in a mint green skirt and throws it sharply at his dresser. He's sniffling like a mad man with a line of coke, but he calms down further.

"She... is coming back... I heard it from Feferi. She plans on winning over pops, a-and if she does sh-she'll kick me out for sure! ____ you can't let her!" He shakes you and then presses his hands to his eyes. He looks so broken. Something is ringing a bell and you squint.

Softly, you mutter, "...you're talking about your... mom, right...?" You stress mom a little. You know how Cronus... how Mischa felt about her. He groaned and rubbed his temples.

"All this stress... I haven't t-taken my T y-yet..this month... I could burst!" You're very confused. T? Burst? You shake your head and run your hand through his dark tresses.

"Shhshh, no. No stress. No bursting. Everything will be fine, I'm sure! Abraham couldn't fall for someone like her!" Something rung heavy in your mind. It was a feeling you remember from the end of September. What was it? Why were you feeling it?

You numbed that feeling for now. You asked Cronus why this was happening and he dug up his phone from some recess of his messy room. He opened a conversation from "Fefi" and handed you the phone.

"Hey... u still live in the neighborhood, yeah?"

"Of course, darlin'. What's up? Invitin' me to a party?"

"No no. Um..."


"Cronus, mom is coming back."

"Are you serious?" "What do you mean?" "wHEN FEFERI ANSWER ME."

"IDK okay?! She just... messaged me earlier." "Here."

There's a screenshot included under their messages. The screenshot is between Feferi and... their... mother??

"You better clear up your schedule!"

"Why, mom?"

"Mommy's coming back to town! Make sure everything is situated for my arrival. I'll let you know when I land."

"Oh, that's great!"

"And let my delusional little first born know I plan on making daddy mine again. It's been so long and I feel like we all need to come together as a family again."

"Oh. Sure..."

"Mommy loves you!"

And the screenshot ends. The rest of the messages are Cronus begging Feferi to keep her away, but Feferi doesn't even know why their mom is showing up. Cronus is sniffling in your lap now. He's really hyperventilating bad...

"Let me get you some water, hun. Do you take any aspirins?" He shakes his head and hugs your waist.

"No, no... no aspirin... I'll get ad-dicted again... no..." You gape in horror. My god... what has she been through...? You stay there for as long as he needs, but not without something in return.

"Tell me about Feferi, and how you share the same mom?" He snuggled and sighed.

"Well... buckle up, I guess..."

"Y'see, I was born off the coast of Ireland, but I was only there for three years. Eridan was born about six years later when we moved here. I was.. I don't know, maybe goin' on twelve? It was a confusin' time..." He takes a breath and rubs his knuckles.

"Point is, um... during those six years after, moms had been disappearin'. "Oh, work this, work that." She had gone overseas, or whatevs. She comes back a day after my birthday and she's all like "sorry I missed your birthday lol, here's some Italian makeup," and that's beyond anythin' I wanted. I talked to pops about it the day before my birthday and he never looked happier..."

Your heart is feeling heavy. You know where this is going. Bits and pieces of what Cronus said when he had his stomach pumped remind you. You smile softly and rub your hands through his hair, tucking the black locks behind his ear. You think he dyes it. "All I remember was the embarrassment..." He wipes stray tears.

"Listen, love," and he looks up slowly. "You're well into who you want to be now. Ignore her if she calls for Mischa. "Who? Never heard of her. I'm Cronus and I'm proud!" I know she's biologically your mom, but fuck that noise!" Has chuckling a little and it makes you smile. "I know I'm supposed to be the adult here, but I'm trying."

"I know," he says, while wrapping you in a strong, careful hug. "An' it's working."

It takes a few moments for the hug to end, and when it does, Cronus yawns and rubs his face like a child. It breaks your heart to see him like this. The most flirtatious, flamboyant and absolutely fucking fabulous person you've ever met, just crumbling. It might not seem that way, but Cronus has opened some doors in your mind.

You remember trying to dress up as a boy one time and your father said, "eh, still look like a dork to me." It was extremely bittersweet and you had to clear your throat.

"So um... need helping cleaning your room? I didn't realize you had so many... crop tops." He chuckled and shook his head.

"I panicked. I was shopping for shaving cream and getting some... um... stuff from a friend. Nevermind that; I freaked when Fef told me about mom and I wanted to pretend I was still... Mischa..." He folds his hands on his lap and he sighs. Like all the energy and love and care left in that single breath. "I just want to have my mother back."

You pursed your lips and held the remark "me too", and instead rubbed his back and held him in a sideways hug. He eagerly nuzzled against your shoulder and neck.

"Be yourself. That's all you need." This was about him. Your pain would have to sit for just a little longer.



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