As Above

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Sorry.  💔


You brushed your fingers through Cronus' hair. He had drunk too much in a contest against his father. You had shared a new year's first kiss and promised to keep your happiness. You loved the gifts they had all gotten you. Cronus crafted you an anklet of store bought shells and (f/c) beads. Eridan got you a scarf with black and (f/c) stripes; it was so soft!! Abraham didn't get you much, but you felt to treasure it: it was an anchor charm, small, shiny, silver and about the size of your thumb nail. You decided to hang it on the chain you had gotten from your mother all those years ago. Abraham had also gotten you your own bottle of wine. Hella.

The boys loved their gifts; Eridan chuckled and thanked you sweetly, Cronus about punched something he was so excited. Abraham rewarded you with the sweetest of kisses and a thank you fit to cause a stirrup in your heart. You sighed with a blissful smile. 

You glance at Abraham's wrist; he hadn't taken it off since. You sit in the den, sleepily leaning against Abraham. He wasn't exactly drunk, but he wasn't exactly up for conversation either. Eridan had gone to bed early to your disappointment. He claims he had a date tomorrow, though, so you couldn't be too mad. You stared at the fireplace's centered clock and hummed.

"Wahs wrong?" Abraham grumbled, caressing your hip.

"It's gotten late so quickly." The snow falling outside was beautiful, you think. Calming. He hums in either confusion or confirmation and he slides down, past your shoulder. Your thighs are shared between the two baffling drunks. You smile and tangle your fingers in the lush locks of your loves. It's only 6 pm, the lampposts just flickering to life and encasing the white snow in a fiery glow of orange. The fire of the fireplace, though unlit and still smelling of burnt cedar, couldn't compare to the way the snow looked.

This all felt so right. You leaned your head back and closed your eyes. You flutter them open a moment later when the now sleeping Cronus turns towards your stomach. Though you three spent the morning of new year's eve drinking, having stood up, in and out of sleep and the waking world to eat... it was nice to just sleep. Abraham would go to work overnight today. You feel you should start cooking soon. Better late than never; maybe just some leftovers. Your eyes drift close again.

As the end of the year comes to a close, you find yourself reminiscing. There was so much that happened the last five months. Half of it is extremely cringe-worthy, half of it, however... You smile lazily.

Meeting a man who brought a bit of joy to your old, boring work days. Charles' coffee shop burning to the ground. Getting this child's stomach pumped. The stories, the trust. The trials and tribulations. To think you'd been drafted a mom so quickly, too. There was always stories of step-moms and step-dads almost never getting along with their step-children.

You were maybe thinking too far into this. The boys had an immense rough patch with their mother; the need was there but you weren't sure you were ready for it. What did you need? A man, at long last? Or is it just a fling? A fuck buddy? You could barely handle your apartment and expenses for yourself. Granted, you have done a lot of saving the past five months. Holiday pay, bonuses, extra tips from nice old folk. You had quite the pocket change. You're saving it, though, for a house just across the highway. You had told Abraham after Christmas and he was ecstatic, beyond happy for you.

He told you that day that you didn't have to do it alone. You're just waiting for the close in and everything should be fine. You wondered if you'd have enough over for transportation for a while. You wanted to get situated at this downtown office; secretary work didn't need much, you just needed to be good with faces, time, money and numbers. 

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