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Everything has been situated. You grab some table dressings, knowing now fully what you need to bring to the table. You can't stop your hands from shaking. Abraham had shown up not too long after the food had been taken off the heat. Eridan walks past him with a small greeting and Abraham grins just even smaller. You undo the apron, walk up to Eridan with a reassuring smile, and throw your hands on his shoulders.

"Excited?" It's a harsh whisper. He's looking pale. You bite your lip and mutter. "I'll sit right across from you, okay? If you ever get nervous, just remember I'm here for you."

He throws himself into you. The hug lasts at least a full minute and then he throws himself away from you. "I got this! Wvhy wvoo..." he shakes his head and you blanche.

Did he... stutter? "Like I said! I got this! He'll be here soon." You cross your arms and raise a hand to your cheek. How curious. You head to the bathroom, as Eridan plops onto the living room sofa, to wash up. You hear footsteps from the staircase and you dry your hands quickly to meet Abraham.

"Good evening! How was work?" There's a sudden softness that dons his face and you're taken aback. His eyes shimmer for a moment, a small blink and a quirk of his thin lips. Those scars still bring so much curiosity.

"..." You offer a small smile but then it's torn from you. "These fackin' no-good bastards aint'a fackin' clue!! There tol' one thin' and ta fackin' intern--!!"

Ding, dong, ding, donnggg...

Eridan jumps up and you watch him fix his button down. Abraham and yourself face him completely, caught off-guard with Eridan's energy. You bristle at your shirt. Is that tomato paste?! Maybe if I oh too late, the door!


"... Um. Hi?" Cronus walks in with a few bags and stares at you all collectively. Eridan fusses back over to the living room. You head up to Cronus and help him with the bags. They're all super secluded; not that you want to dig into Cronus' belongings, but this must be important.

"Hey! Dinner's just about done! Want me to help you so you can go freshen up?" He shakes his head and nudges the bag you helped him with back into his hand.

"I'm good, thanks. I'll be down soon, kay?" Cronus nudges Abraham on the way up the stairs and Abraham sighs with a smile.

"I didn't mean ta'bark like that. This job..." You can only muster a chuckle. "I'll be o'er here."

You are left in the foyer with a very confused mind. You start putting food into better serving containers, washing the pots and utensils to be reused for serving. Abraham is reading a newspaper (that you're starting to wonder if it's the same one from last month) at the breakfast nook, Eridan is playing a video game in the den, and Cronus has still not joined you.

You set the food at the table and shuffle some utensils around. "I can't find the salad stuff. Can you help me?"

Abraham folds the newspaper and goes immediately to the pantry, behind the cake stuff he's pulled some vinaigrettes and seasonings. As he passes the fridge, he opens a drawer for a salad prong. The fork-spoon scissor looking thing. You smile.

"Wow, you know your way around a kitchen, huh?" He chuckled and basically stabbed the scissor thing into the leafy veggies. Your smile falls to "little more concerned".

"When I need ta." He goes to sit back down at the nook, but the doorbell rings again. Eridan zooms past and there's a deep breath.

"Sol! Hey, so glad ya came... I'm nervous too... oh, c'mon! ... Here... Ready?" Your heart is aching for the adolescent. You begin to think of your first love... It was in 9th grade, you were just turning fourteen and you caught their eye from across the school yard. They played soccer so well, and you were heavily interested in trying something new. You sigh softly and nudge Abraham who decided to seat himself at the table.

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