Storms a-Brewin' - 1 -

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Two days later and there was already need of a snowstorm. It being the 17th of December and nearing Eridan's week off, a storm would be amazing. You just finish brushing (putting up/braiding blahblah) your hair when a knock comes to your door.

"Come in!"

"___..." You watch Abraham walk to you a little sullen. "Yer not busy today. Are ya? I feel like I gotta... I'unno, fuckin'..." You are trying not to laugh at his quirky mumbling, but it is simply no use. You excuse yourself and ask him to continue when he eyes you sharply.

"There's much importance in what I've ta say. I need your cooperation, lass. Please." You shrug and nod.

Since you asked for that Tuesday earlier this week, you traded a day with Ana. Off on a Friday, woot! Abraham asked for you to meet him in the living room whenever you had time. He didn't work until later, apparently. A groggy Eridan emerged from his room, hugged you about your waist with a muttered good morning, and left.

"That kid..." it left you flustered. Eridan did not normally act that way, but there's a first for everything. There was that one awkward moment he called you Mom around Sollux, but it was a first.

By the time you deemed yourself awake, dressed and a functioning member of society, you walk downstairs. Cronus comes through the door and stomps out his boots. The smell of snow and the musty outdoors followed him in. You get a little excited; you love watching the snow blanket everything. There is also snow littering his head that he shakes out with his glove.

"You okay? Is it bad out?" Eridan asks as you turn into the living room. He sounds worried.

"Eh. I'm good." Must not be that much snow yet. You sit on the cushion beside Abraham, but your distance is respectable.

"Aye, then..." he folds his newspaper and looks at you. "Ye aren't in trouble. I wish I could promote this kinda work." You chuckle. "But there is somethin'... more to this. I'm not sure if the boys have told ye..." There's a lump in your throat when he says it: "My wife is in town."

"I wouldn't... well... she isn't exactly the best...but..." He's getting angry; the furrow of his brow and the sneer of his lip. You put a hand on his shoulder to grab his attention though you are trembling yourself.

His wife??

"Hey, look, I'm sure she's something, but right now I need you to explain what I have to do. If I have to do anything at all." He shakes his head with an exasperated sigh.

"I... may or may not have been in contact wit'er." You blanche. When? At work? Abraham never even texts you that much anymore. You bide your expressions; this isn't about you. "Ye'hear??"

"Uh, mhm! Yup!"

"...and yer okay wit'it?" You keep your stiff smile and without asking for clarification, you unknowingly signed yourself up to be their maid. Something along the lines of "when he was rich" it would be deemed appropriate.


After somehow agreeing to the odd terms and conditions, Abraham hugs you and apologizes. Nothing hurts more than being friendzoned by an adult. You take it back, there is no friendzone; there's only types and interests and "sparks". If there is none, there is none. Your conditions were to speak when spoken to, clean everything and wear something uniformly appropriate, whatever the fuck that meant. A god damn frilly skirt and stockings?? It was definitely NOT your style. You have a headache.

Most importantly, you're trying to fight with your subconscious about this. Abraham's WIFE is back in town, not just Cronus and Eridan's mother; he called her his WIFE. Is he still in love with her? His stammering would have been a grand red flag there.

You wondered what Abraham's deal with you was. You felt some way towards him, but was it his accent? His aspirations? Maybe it was because he gave you a job and took you in when you had nothing. That would be altruistic romanticism - the most cliche thing to think, but... maybe it was just nice to seemingly have a family again? Ever since your mom wrote that note... No, no.

Let's not make this worse... There is a rock in your stomach for the rest of the afternoon.

Not as important as trying to understand this, but you are trying to figure out what you should clean first. Your nerves are fried. You try remembering where that little chemical nook is. You think you should check the kitchen, but something calls you to the den. There is that little cubby no one uses.

As you're passing the laundry room, Cronus pulls at your shirt and drags you in. "What're'ya doin!? Yer not our maid! This isn't right, why didn't you speak against it?!" You're at a loss of words because you didn't know he felt as strongly as you wish you were. He turns away but then musters. "Y-you should be our mm...!" But then he flusters and kicks the washer door closed. He storms off past you and you are just trying to figure out why everyone was yelling now.

"Eitha ya come over now, or say g'bye to this "sweet" ass! That snow'll kill me, Sol! I can't stand the feckin' cold!"

"Stop slammin' them doors or I'll slam ya fuckin' kneecap!"

"If ya can catch me, ye old feck!"


You have had about enough with the sound. Everything fucking buzzed in your head. You shove your shoes on and take Cronus' jacket and you're ready to head outside--


"Oh. Hello there."


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