An Interesting Reveal

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  ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)  - i literally have no excuses anymore, i'm just gonna write when i can cuz i suck. <3 also, note the asterisk(*) during a certain part. tis the picture above whoop. - ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) 


The week was moving slowly, what with your only concern being Abraham's kids and sleep. You often tried your hand at cooking while you were home, to bring something to Cronus as repayment. They were such a culinary prodigy! You had nothing short of "decent" to your name. Why, just yesterday even Eridan said he enjoyed your ravioli puffs! (Of course he nit-picked on the garlic and onions, placing them in a clump at the edge of his plate, but enjoyed the flavor nonetheless.)

That Monday you had taken both kids to the Halloween store - per Abraham's request - and they were in love. The massive department store dedicated to the ghoulish fiasco that is Halloween, was certainly not bare. You heard many a youth discuss their outings to specific conventions or parties, and you admired their enthusiasm. One girl almost cried because they finally had their favorite character's styled wig. Must've paid an arm and a leg. Luckily, you hadn't need to pay for anything. Cronus was given authority over their father's credit card, and they bought a decent amount of items. You only surveyed like the babysitter you were.

It's still hard to believe you're a babysitter, when these kids are certainly not babies.

Strangely, it was just a huge makeup haul; heavy-duty concealers and chromacakes of all warm tones. You swore Eridan bought an entire spectrum of all hues. Why so much face paint? What were their ideas for costumes? You may have exaggerated Eridan's haul; it was a few warm tones and grays and purples. After Cronus bought a wig and some new brushes, packed up Eridan's simple choice of natural toned gray face paint and wizard costume, you had all went back to their home.

"So, I noticed the colors and I can't quite picture what you want to be." You had nudged Cronus playfully. They had flustered away the slightest notion, but their composure returned right quick.

"I really like drag, but I wanna redefine it; make it masculine even if it's feminine, y'know? Reinvent it for my image." You gaped in awe. Such a rebel. It was literally no surprise that after they tested the make-up, they indeed dressed to the nine's like a 50's greaser. * Their make-up was just, everywhere and no where but their face at once. It was like a light-show had stopped for you to capture every blend of color on one canvas. Like a controlled splatter canvas. You felt a little awkward being able to see their eye shadow blend out with them being so close to your face. *

"What'd I tell ya? Snazzy, huh?~" You nod and take a cautious step back. There was nothing but these roguish poses from them. Passing a mirror, they seemingly flirted with their reflection. You swore they tried to one-up Abraham in stature. Sadly, Cronus was maybe half a face shorter than him. It was still fun to see; and to see Abraham groan and roll his eyes with such life in them made it even better.

Something must have happened for Cronus to be so... Free. You both admired and admonished the fact that they were so different. It was amazing. It was astounding. You had nothing but love for this child. Eridan was lovable too, but nothing compared to what Cronus must have gone through...

Thinking back on that Monday night was rather interesting. But you must pay attention! You go back to mixing the pasta in the near overflowing pot and groan. The steam is really burning you up. Your phone rings once, but it hangs up almost immediately. You gaze at the lock screen and stare at the "missed" call from Abraham. Butt-dial? It was only two in the afternoon. Eridan has a longer day today because of his literature club. You started to like Thursdays. Not because it withheld you from enjoying your stay at the Ampora household. It just gave you a sense of freedom. It also gave you time to situate yourself for work in three days. You never worked on Sundays, but it couldn't be any different from working any other day.

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