Cloudy With A Chance of Stress-balls

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But I've developed a soft spot for Sollux in my meandering. He will call you Miss _ (one blank for the first letter of your name. Miss P. Miss J. K? K. Whatever it is.)


"Oh, Sollux. You had me worried... um... come in, I guess. Eridan should be in the den."

"Thankth. Misth _. You don't look too good though. Thomethin' wrong?"

"Ah..." You shake your head and nod outside. "Just gotta get some food for the next couple days. Get cozy."

You can't tell because of his glasses, but he gives you a worried glance anyway. You trudged down the street and to the nearest bus stop. This was all so much to take in! Not so much the maid part, but now it's evident that Abraham still has feelings for this witch.

You eye the sludge forming in the gutter, as the cars skirt on by.

You don't know if she's a witch to everyone she meets. You do know she's a repulsive parent though. Things are obviously different from twenty years ago. Why, you were just graduating middle school and the trends were set. But so was the gay community. People with Cronus' mindset were bound to make themselves known! It's like not fitting in where you know you should but things are just different and they're always different for you and only you and --

A harsh wind rushes the side of the bus stop's support. You wipe your eyes and sniffle. The shuttering of open doors greets you and you stand. You're taking this to heart and your current situation is hurting you. You take out your wallet - only realizing you had left your phone at home - and readied your two dollars for the bus.

A somber hour or so of shopping, your expenses entirely devastated, you walk home. Hopefully things were a little calmer; you didn't tell anyone but Sollux (who was probably just visiting) that you were going out. You ring the doorbell with your elbow because you can't exactly feel your fingers. The cold, snow and the weight of the bags did not help that.

"Ye feckin' mad?!" Eridan starts shuffling bags out of your hands the minute the door swings open. "The snowstorm is set for any hour this night and ye wanna waltz 'round fuckin' down town and--"

"Sorry, sir. I won't do it again." The way you say it is bitter, angry. They don't even know. You take your groceries back from Eridan and situate yourself in the kitchen.

"Excuse me??" Eridan sounds baffled in the foyer. There are footsteps from somewhere else in the house and you notice the panic. Cronus.

"___, where were you?! I thought ya ran away or somethin'!"

"No, sir. I was getting food. Because it's something I gotta do. I apologize." You glare back at him for a moment and Cronus nearly offs his top. He's turned back to the living room while he barks at you.

"Don't gimme that shit! Pops! POPS! I need an explanation!!"

Nope. Still yelling. This household will never change. Not even you, it seems, can change that. To your surprise, Sollux begins helping you by managing the pantry items.

"You don't have to, Sol." You practically beg.

"I want to. And tho do they. I don't know what the hall ith happening, but don't take it out on them. Thith advithe ith coming from a high thkool thenior, by the way."

"You really, really don't have to. Sol." You clench your teeth. This smarmy little! You don't fight it. You let him help, thank him, and he's on his way. Cronus and Abraham are having a conference in the living room. It was 6pm when you came back and they've been at it for an hour almost.

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