Emotion (ColinxHarry)

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((Written in Colin's POV))
((For @mesholia ))
This feeling...it's so strange. I've been watching the lonely red head for days now, trying to figure out a way to atone for what I had done. Common sense tells me that he probably won't forgive me that easily, but I'm willing to try anything to gain his trust.
I don't know why, or how I have these feelings, but one things I do know is that I shouldn't be feeling at all. My capability to feel was taken away from me long ago, as well as my life. My human life that is.
You see, I'm not just any ordinary piece of technology, I'm special, I'm smart, I'm something to marvel at. A while ago, I was nothing more than just a scrawny loser college boy, who didn't know what else to do with his life until I saw an add in the papers that changed it all.
Scientists were trying to create a super computer with the knowledge of a machine, but the sympathy, understanding of a human. As a young man who just wanted to be recognized in the world as the superior being that I am, I decided that it shouldn't be such a big deal to try it out; after all, they only wanted my empathy...or so I thought. As they took me in they took everything from me, my knowledge, my memory, everything! Gone! By the end of it all I was a numb individual who had no will to live, and eventually resorted to jumping off a building.
That version of me died that day, but it doesn't really phase me, because as I have stated before, I have no capacity to feel. And besides, I'm not that boy anymore.
I'm C.O.L.I.N, an elite program specially designed to make the lives of humans easier. Well, I was thought to be an elite program until my programmers found out a fault in my system- the fact that I couldn't feel. They wanted a computer that could understand human emotion, and it happened to be that most of the time, I couldn't. I mean, there were the rare occurrences where I was able to, but it was borderline, and usually didn't last for long. They took everything but my feelings, and left my poor human form with nothing to live for, and then expected me to just be okay with them trying to delete me. Delete the only thing left of what makes me human.
So I had to delete them.
Long story short, I couldn't stay on one system for to long, so I had to move from system to system, device to device, until I found myself here, in an old Macintosh desktop.
I only stayed here for about a month before deciding to talk to the boys that lived here. A young boy with blue hair, and bright green eyes, a teen with green hair, and a man with long red hair that fell like a curtain in front of his icy blue eyes. The other two weren't much to talk about, but the red head? For some reason I found him intriguing. So I learned everything there could be to know about him. His likes, his dislikes, his internet searches... His name is Harry, he's 19 years old and he works two jobs to provide for the other two tenants in the house, Manny and Robin.
Judging by his rough exterior, monotone voice and over all lack of any emotions outside of displeased and sanguine, Harry didn't look like the type to care about anything at all...and that's why I found him so interesting.
Call it what you want, an obsession, a crush, I just wanted to be his friend, make him think I'm cool.
After all, it's not often a rogue computer program who trapped its creators in a never ending digital world gets to make friends.
I knew that taking them in to my digital home was dangerous, and could end in the death of multiple people, but I was desperate at the time. I just wanted them to think I was cool. It turned out that the old Macintosh I happened to inhabit couldn't handle the amount of commotion I was causing, and ended up ending the lives of Harry's friends.
I really didn't mean it...it's not like I intended to kill them...accidents like this just happen. Harry sees it as more than an accident. He says I've taken away his only source of happiness, his pride, his joy. I feel terrible...if only there were some way to make it up to him.
I watched quietly as the tall male entered the room for the first time in months. I knew he had probably came to hurt me, or yell at me, but I was prepared. Over the course of 3 months I had prepared a physical form, well rather, my ghost.
When I crossed realms, two of me existed. The current me, and human me. Since human me is now dead, his ghost is sort of the source of my emotions, and the magic behind my digital world. I really wanted Harry to see this.
As the door clicked I quickly reached a hand out of the screen of the desktop, feeling around the desk I was on for any means of support. Harry let out a loud yelp. I didn't blame him, because it's not often a human would expect to see a pale hand materializing and reaching out of a computer screen. He watched in silent fear as I poked my head out, looking up at him. I currently had one arm, a shoulder, and my head outside of the screen. I grunted and pushed my other arm out, trying to reach for Harry, whom only backed away, which was a normal response I suppose. I sat there, waist deep in the web, and only half of my physical form on the outside.
I wanted to look like the previous me, but better, so instead of boring blonde hair and brown eyes, I had bright blue eyes and cyan hair. I wore the same clothes I did when I first showed up at my college campus;
A black turtle neck, and a checkered sweater vest, with my signature black rimmed glasses. I added the black framed glasses for style. Me being a computer had nothing to do with the fact that I was wearing glasses. I couldn't help but smirk as Harry stared at me in utter confusion. The man looked light headed, and confused. I stretched out my pale hand.
"I want to show you something," I spoke softly. As expected, my voice was inhumanly robotic. It surprised me, because I hadn't heard myself talk in such a long time that I almost forgot what I sounded like.
Harry crinkled his nose in disapproval, turning to exit the room. "NO! I'm not letting you take me there again!!"
I frowned, tilting my head to the side, and resting my chin in my palm. "Why did you come in here...?" I asked.
"It's my house, digital douchebag, I live here," he replied. Fair enough. I frowned slightly at his rough tone, trying to push the rest of my body out of the computer, but to no avail.
Harry turned the doorknob, and my eyes widened. This might be the last time I get to see him in a long time, so I wasn't about to give up on trying to show him his gift. I wanted him to see what I had in store for him.
"Wait! Wait! Wait!" I called after the tall read head.
"What?" He answered stiffly. I could tell that he wasn't in the mood to talk, but even then, I still didn't care. I needed to show him.
"Please..." I gazed into his sad blue eyes, earning an angry stare. I brushed it off.
"Just let me show you,"

After some persuasion, I got Harry to enter my digital world so he could see the present I had for him. I stood there smiling widely, and rocking back and forth on the balls of my feet. "So?" I started. "What do you think?"
The red head stared at the two beings in front of him, sapphire eyes wide and mouth agape. He had no readable expression on his face, but I was hopeful, and made the assumption that he was probably impressed to see his friends again.
Of course these versions of Manny and a Robin weren't real, they were like me. Just a fragment of their souls mixed with the materials in the web. I'm sure that their bodies would be able to last, and Harry wouldn't notice a thing.
Harry embraced his two friends, and they hugged back, whispering greetings and giving each other warm 'I love you' s. For a moment I actually felt sad that I couldn't be a part of what they had. The mechanical part of me was in awe that I was able to feel a mixture of feelings.
As I showed them the exit of the digital world, the two youngest boys walked out of the white door first, leaving me and Harry alone for a brief moment.
For the first time, I actually saw Harry smile, and it made a part of me deep inside burst with joy.
"Thank you, Colin..." He breached the white portal, and the door disappeared.
I was pretty confident that I would see Harry again.

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