Tony's Pocket Watch

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((I decided to write about different scenarios and headcannons I made up since not enough people are suggesting ships))

Manny walked silently next to the tall blue man. Harry and Robin were people to cower in fear of the objects in their home, but Manny was different. He had gotten over his fear long ago, and unlike Harry and Robin, he had actually gotten to know the objects. Today, Tony was taking Manny to get a new bike, since his father, Roy was not at home, and none of them knew how to fix the boy's broken bicycle.
"How did you manage to break your bike?" Tony asked the younger boy.
Manny shrugged. "I actually don't really know how to ride it," he confessed.
Tony chuckled slightly. He remembered the day. Shrignold brought Manny back to the house with scrapes and bruises all over his poor frail body. He knew that Harry would have killed all of them then and there for letting Manny get hurt.
"Hey, don't laugh!" Manny exclaimed, blushing out of embarrassment.
Tony stiffled a giggle. "I'm not laughing at you. Plus, it's alright. I never really got to know how to ride one either,"
"We could learn together...!" Manny proposed.
"Oh don't be silly," the clock replied with a soft smile on his face. "Two people who don't know anything about bike riding, cruising down the streets?? It would be utter chaos!! I'm pretty sure you could get Colin to show you how, as long as he's in the mood."
Manny hung his head, feeling a bit bashful.
"Hey, but cheer up. Once he teaches you, maybe I can take you to the park so I can watch you," said Tony.
"That would be cool!" Squeaked the navy haired boy.

Manny carefully walked his new, shiny red bike while Tony lead him back home. He originally wanted a green bike, but Tony told him that Paige would probably have their heads. He never understood the notepad's aversion to the colour green. He tried asking her about it before and she just told him that it was a 'fact of life'. She even went as far as to try and burn all of his green sweaters when he didn't comply to her terms.
"We have some time to kill, do you want to go to the park for a while?" Asked Tony, snapping the boy out of his thoughts.
He gave a quaint nod, following the man exitedly in the direction of the park.
Tony sat on a bench, with his back striaght, and his gloved hands folded neatly on his lap. Manny tried to ride his bike again. He sat on the seat, and tried to reach the peddles from where he was sitting.
After a while of practicing (and falling) he was riding pretty well for a person who could barely reach the peddles. Suddenly, he hit a large bump, sending the male flying off the bicycle and onto the jagged ground.
Manny let out a soft grunt, hazily pulling himself off the ground and walking back over to the bike to pick it back on. He stopped to listen as he heard faint chirping that sounded like it was close by. To the small boy's horror, he had ran over a baby bird with his bike.
Tony ran over to the blue headed male to make sure he was okay.
Manny's green eyes welled up with tears.
"Oh gosh...are you alright?? Are you hurt???" Tony asked worridly.
The tears slipped down his cheeks, and he started to sob softly, pointing at the injured bird on the ground. The poor thing was so tiny, it probably didn't even know how to fly.
Tony frowned, and tried to calm Manny down.
"Shh...shhh, it's okay, it's okay, we'll help it, alright?" He spoke in his soft British accent.
Manny nodded, and tried to muster a smile as Tony wiped his tears.

Manny craddled the dying bird carefully in his hands. He felt so horrible about how careless he had been, and now he could do nothing but cry. He just wished there was some way to fix what he had done, he didn't want to be the death of something so fragile and beautiful.
"I'm sorry Manny..." Tony said. "There's nothing we can do for it now..."
Manny cried harder, pulling the dead bird closer to his chest, still holding it soflty.
Tony sighed. He felt really bad that Manny was sad. He knew that it was against what he believed in to use his power like this, but he didn't want to see Manny this way. He pulled a golden pocket watch out of his pocket, flipping it open and checking the time.
Manny glanced up at Tony with an expectant look. He eyed the sparkly watch.
"Manny, I usually don't do this but for you, just this one time I'll allow it,"
He tapped on the glass face of the watch three times, and disappeared into thin air, much to Manny's surprise.
Tony was now standing on a moving yellow platform, in what looked to be space. He called this the time sphere. It was a small pocket in which time could not move, and where it could not be altered.
His plan was to go back in time and save the bird, so that Manny would be happy. This was the place at which he could access the past. The platform lead him to a floating door, marked with the exact date and time that they were at the park.
Happy with his finding, he opened the door, and landed with a thud on the other side. He was on the forest floor, but he was not to far away from where Manny was riding.
He ran towards where the accident happened. The situation unfolded before him. A person threw a frizbee, knocking a bird'd nest out of a tree, along with the baby birds inside. One of the babies strayed from the fallen nest.
He took out his pocket watch, tapping on the glass two times, making the situation rewind. He then tapped on it again, this time once, making everything go in slow motion. He walked over to the frizbee, taking it out of the air with ease, and sticking it somewhere else so it would take a different path. The tall man picked up the bird carefully, put it in it's nest, and returning it back to it's spot in the tree.
With the snap of a finger, time was back to normal. He made sure to keep himself hidden as he watched the new scenario unfold.
Proud of himself, he tapped the glass three times, returning to the time sphere. He sure hoped that things would work out for the better in the future. The bad thing about his power is that it could change everything, whether it be for better or for worse. He tried not to mess with it too much.
When he returned home, Manny was watching T.V in the living room, seeming perfectly happy. He let out a small sigh of relief.
"Manny, are you alright?" Asked Tony.
Manny nodded and smiled. "I'm just fine, Tony!"
Tony yawned, sitting next to the child as he put the pocket watch back into his pocket.
"What's that?" Manny asked curiously.
The boy sure could sense movement very well.
"Ah, that's my special pocket watch," Tony answered.
"What makes it so special??" He asked again, green eyes wide in wonder.
"Well, it can control time," Tony replied curtly.
"Ooooh!! Can I see???" Asked the navy haired boy.
The blue man shook his head. "No. It may seem cool, but it is very dangerous technology that can alter the fate of the world!"
The child pouted. He knew that Tony was probably right, but that didn't stop him from being curious.

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