Sketchbook's Curse

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Manny stared into the kitchen, still running certain events through his head, as if it were a movie. None of them had been in the kitchen for a long time, and for one paticular reason. The talking notepad in their home (everyone refered to it as 'Paige') had just been killed.
And it wasn't a pretty death either. The navy haired boy shivered as he remembered her desperate screams, begging the attackers to stop. She had just been hacked apart, until she was barely recognizable. He remembered how her frail body just colapsed in on itself. He really felt sorry for her.
Even though Paige's death happened more than a week ago, ink still stained the kitchen floor, and her screams still seemed to echo in the rooms of the house.
He would have never expected Harry and Robin to be so bold.
Yes, his two friends, who he thought would never hurt a fly, murdered Paige, after she had threaten to torture them again. Manny didn't really blame them. The objects were not friendly to be around. They would always find a way to ruin the trio's day. The three had suffered for five years; lacerations, stab wounds, bruises, bitemarks, suffocation, poison- whatever it took to almost kill them, the objects would do it. Quite frankly, Manny wasn't surprised that his friends had acted that way.
After Paige's death, the others just sort of disappeared. Manny thought that maybe they took a hint, and decided to leave. It had been almost three weeks, and there was still no sign of their 'exicutionists', which Manny found odd. It was almost scary how quiet things have been without them here.
Atleast now Harry, Robin and him could get the peace they deserved. The young boy decided he would have no problem forgetting the monstrosities that once were.
He turned away from the kitchen, and walked into the living room, where his friends were watching television.
Harry glanced at the smaller boy, and waved a bit.
Manny knew that Harry and Robin felt terrible for the crime they had commited, but he also knew that it was something they had to do. He made sure not to talk about it, so his friends would feel more comfortable.
"I was thinking maybe we could go out to eat," said Harry, speakng in monotone, as usual. This voice was so different from the voice he used that one night.
"Seeing as we barely go in the kitchen anymore..."
There was an awkward silence between the three.
The red head cleared his throat, looking at Robin.
"I would love to go!" Answered Manny.
The two boys stared at the 16 year old, whom was looking out the window.
Robin had never been the same after what he did. The poor male couldn't eat, couldn't sleep...Hell, he didn't even want to go outside!
"Robin?" Harry asked softly, snapping him out of his thoughts. Robin jumped, nodding subtly.
"Yeah, yeah, that would be great..." he said.
The youngest of the three frowned. He had never seen Robin this way. The green headed boy seemed so detatched with reality, that Manny couldn't help but worry about what was going on in his head.
"Okay! Well you two get ready, we'll go in about an hour, alright?" Harry spoke softly. The tall man got onto his feet, leaving Robin and Manny alone in the living room.
Manny observed his friend.
Robin probably was losing sleep- Manny could tell from the dark circles under his eyes. There was also a far away look in those reddish-brown eyes of his.
"Robin...?" The blue headed male called.
He didn't recieve an answer, so he called again.
No answer.
He frowned, getting up from his seat and waving his hand infront of Robin's face.
The male blinked, looking up at Manny.
"Are you okay?" Manny asked, the concern very evident in his small, but strangely deep voice.
"Yeah, I'm okay buddy. I'm just feeling a bit under the weather, that's all," Robin answered.
He put a hand on Manny's shoulder.
"There's nothing to worry about," he assured the younger boy, with a warm smile.
Manny nodded, deciding to push away any thought he had, because he knows his friends will tell the truth.

Manny walked happily in the middle of his two friends, holding their hands and swinging their arms childishly. He really thought that getting out of the house would be just the thing to make his friends feel better.
The boy looked up at the Harry, who currently had his long red tresses tied back in a pony tail, which he rarely saw the tall man do.
"Harry you have your hair tied back!" Manny squeaked.
Harry raised an eyebrown, wiping sweat off of his forehead with his free hand.
"Yeah...I'm actually feeling a little heated, and keeping my hair out of my face seems to be a good way to keep cool," he explained.
"Oh..." Manny examined his friend's appearance, noticing how he wasn't wearing his normal red sweater.
Harry was wearing a blue tank top and shorts, which was considered normal in the midths of summer, but this certainly wasn't normal dress for Harry. Manny thought it was strange to see him out of his 'default' clothing.
Come to think of it, Robin had dressed strangely too. The 16 year old usually looked neat and clean cut, but today, it was like he only had 10 minutes to get ready (and even in that short period of time, the Robin Manny knew would still be best dressed). His brown jacket was unbuttoned, his shoe laces were untied, and he was missing his red handkerchief.
These were his best friends, his family. Manny couldn't help but worry.
The small boy was starting to wonder if this would be the norm now, but he immediately tried to shy away from that thought. After dinner and some sleep, everything should striaghten itself out.

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