Red Rum

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((For Dhmisfanaddict . Manny is 15 and Lucy is 17 in this fanfic. It's her headcannon of Lucy being a vampire. Trigger warning for blood, and mention of gore))

"Ouch, Lucy..." Manny mumbled apathetically as the pink headed female sank her sharp fangs into his wrist. It didn't hurt as much as it used to before, but every now and then, the boy would express pain to remind her that she needed to take it easy on him.
This all started about a year ago, when Lucy's thirst for blood reached its high point. He didn't know what to do, and she was older, and much stronger than he was. There was no way he could try to control her. It was so bad, that if even seeing a pin prick of  blood would set her off.
Since she was so insistent on hurting others to get what she wanted, Manny decided he would stop her by giving her what she wanted. He was going to feed her. At least it would stop he from going out at hurting other people...
He exhaled shakily as Lucy started sucking, and he felt his blood being drained. It would make him feel sort of dizzy, but he was used to it by now. He's had far worse happen to him, after all.
Lucy was bitten about 10 years ago, and he was friends with her in that time period, and he couldn't believe he didn't notice. Looking back at it now, he was surprised that he hadn't noticed earlier.
Her fangs, her pale skin, how she would always wear hats, the way she looked at cuts, bruises and scabs...All of those things screamed that something was a bit off with the girl.
He remembered one time when he was about 11, and she was 13, and they were playing in the park. He had fallen and scraped up his knee pretty badly, and she had to take him home, and help dress his wound. She had ran her finger down his knee, shivering as if it were her first time seeing blood. He didn't remember clearly, but he was pretty sure that after that, she went in a corner, licking the blood off her finger as if it were icing.
Or the moment where he went over to her house, and he got cut when he was making a sandwich, and she insisted on cleaning up he blood. He didn't recall seeing her ever use a napkin.
The navy headed boy frowned, and shifted uncomfortably as Lucy kept sucking. How long was this going to take? Usually she would only take tiny sips here and there, but it was taking a long time now, and he was starting to get restless. And not to mention, very dizzy.
What if things weren't going to end well this time around? What if she was going to lose self control, and not be able to stop? It had almost happened many times before, so why couldn't it happen now?
One day when he was around 12, Paige accidentally stabbed Robin in the stomach (well at least he wanted to believe it was an accident). Harry ended up having to take his friend to the hospital, leaving Manny and Lucy alone in the house. He remembered Lucy standing over the pool of blood on the floor, like a murderer would stand over their victim. She bent down, picking up a bloody button that had popped off of Robin's jacket, sniffing it curiously. As soon as he asked her what she was doing, she snapped out of her little trance, sticking the button in her pocket quickly.
"I saw the button on the ground, so I'm going to give it back to him when he comes back," she said.
And until now, he believed her lame excuse.
Another time, they had a sleep over, and he woke up in the middle of the night only to find her licking and gently nibbling his wrist. She tried to play it off as if she were doing it in her sleep, but after that, he just couldn't believe her anymore.
About a week after the fact, Lucy hadn't shown up at all. She wouldn't answer her calls, and when he went to her house, she never seemed to be home. He just decided that maybe, she didn't want to see him, until he found her in the forest, basically tearing a little boy apart.
He and his friends were going for a walk, and from the distance, he could see Lucy, bent over something. She was easy to spot, because her bright pink hair contrasted against the neutral colours of the thick forest. The boy thought nothing of her odd posture, and the fact that she was standing ominously in the forest, so he went over to say hi. That's when he noticed, Lucy probably wasn't up for conversation at the time.
She was sitting over a boy, that looks about 13, maybe 14. His clothes were stained with blood, and his mid section was just a gaping hole, his inner a completely shredded. It was if they never existed at all. Lucy lapped up the bright red fluid flowing from the large wound. It had been a year now, and he couldn't get that sickening noise out of his head.
Only when the girl turned around, staring back at him with bright yellow eyes, did he ever think he had made a mistake. She bared her sharp teeth, lunging at Manny, for she was not able to recognize him in the state she was in. It took both Harry and Robin to get the girl off, and even then, he wasn't sure if they could hold her back for long. Manny had looked death in the eye, and the worst part was the host was his best friend.
He was afraid, even if living with the inanimate objects was basically flirting with death.
The navy headed boy snapped himself out of his thoughts when Lucy pulled away, licking the small beads of blood off his wrist. Manny groaned softly, pulling back and rubbing his poor, aching appendage. He was so glad she had stopped, because he didn't know how much longer he would be able to stay awake.
His tired green eyes grew wide with surprise when Lucy crawled on top of him, her lips hovering above his neck. He whimpered, trying with all the power he had left to push her away, but it was way too late for that now.
She did this on purpose.
She made him tired on purpose.
As she bit into the major vein in his neck, that was the only thing he could think about before everything turned to black.

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