Chapter 16

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I sat on the couch reading a book when Jerome walked over to me.

"Hey biggums." He said kissing me gently. 

"Hey." I replied, closing my book and smiling up at him. 

"Me and the guys are going to record a parkour video. You wanna watch?" He asked. 

"Can't I play aswell? I mean Parkour isn't competitive right?" I asked. 

"You know how Preston gets when he plays parkour."

"Yes but it's still not winning or losing." 

"You know what? If you wanna play so badly we'll play the same map with just the two of us after we're done. What do you say?" I smiled and hugged him tightly.

"Thank you Jerome." I say before kissing him. 

"You're welcome. Well I gotta go." He says pecking my lips and getting up.

"Okay. I'll go grocery shopping meanwhile." 

"Okay! Be carefull!" he yelled walking upstairs.

"Always!" I yell back getting up and grabbing keys and my wallet. 

~Time skipz~

"You sure you want to do this right?" Jerome asked as we got on my server and into the parkour lobby of the map. 

"Yes Jerome. Nothing will happen. We're just having a friendly parkour game." He sighed.

"Okay lets start." After about 10 minutes I hadn't even made it to the first checkpoint I kept dying on the same 4 block jump.

"I hate this! GRRrgrGrgz." I yell trying it again. I screamed in frustration as it didn't work. 

"Mitch calm down." Jerome says gently rubbing my legs since he sat next to me. 

"No Jerome I hate 4 block jumps." I yell at him. He looked kinda worried. 

"Maybe this wasn't such a good idea. You're even worse then Preston but then in failing instead of rubbing in the victory." I took a deep breath.

"You're right." I say a bit calmer.

"I can do this." I say when I got back to the 4 block jump. I missed again and felt a cut form on my leg. 

"We're not competing!" I yell and hiss at the same time.

"What's wrong." Jerome asked instantly worried. 

"Nothing." I say through clenshed teeth.

"No, you got another cut didn't you?" I kept silent. 

"Where?" He then asked in a demanding voice. 

"Leg." I wisper. He nodded and turned my spinny chair. He gently took of my jeans. Don't you think about it! And examinated the cut on my upper leg. 

"I'm getting bandages. Don't move." I nodded as he walked out. We weren't even playing competitive. Is it getting worse to the point where my rage harms me? I thought that it only got worse but playing? Is it just getting worse over time? I felt hands on my leg making me jump out of my thoughts. 

"What where you thinking about?" Jerome asked bandaging my leg. 

"Just, that I think it's getting worse. I just don't understand how? I haven't played any games and got harmed for a while." He finished with my leg and looked up at me. I saw guilt in his eyes like he thought that this was his fault. He was gonna say something but I cut him off.

"Don't you dare say this is your fault. I said it was gonna be alright." I say. 

"But I suggested it." 

"And then it's still my choice to make. I chose this not you." 

"I should have atleast protected you or calmed you down." I chuckled.

"Jerome you know how I get when I rage. There's nothing you could have done. It would have happend even sooner if you weren't there with me for sure." He was gonna say something else but I cut him of again.

"Don't apologize. Forget about it. I'm alright. It wasn't your fault and you won't win this argument 'cause I'm right, and you know it." He sighed. 

"Fine. You win." He says looking down kinda sad, he still thinks it's his fault. 

"Jerome." I say in a soft voice. He looekd up at me an dI leaned closer to him connecting our lips. I pulled away after kissing him with all the love I felt for him.

"I love you. Never forget that." I wisper kissing him again.

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