Chapter 4

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I look the guy in the eye and he winks causing me to lose intrest and look away

"He's too cocky" I say

"If you say so" Nayeli sighed

"Isn't that your mom?" I ask

"Where is Fernando?" Nayeli asked angrily

Fernando was her mother's body guard. After my mom died Nayeli's dad decided to protect his wife

"Ma ma, ma ma!!" Nayeli yelled

The woman turns and it's not Nayeli's mother

"Oops" I smile

"You scared me!" Nayeli said slapping my shoulder

We eat in silence, both of us occupied by our phones and teenage drama that had persisted on social media

"I got a new mission" I say

Nayeli looks up from her phone

"What are you stealing this time?" She asked

"My mother's wedding ring. All gold with a diamond in the middle" I tell her

"Nice. Those Montero bastards should all be shot, but even if we did kill them all it wouldn't amount to the endless number of bodies that are buried under their houses" Nayeli said

"True" I say

I drop off Nayeli at home and go back to my house. My dad's best friend Carlos into me while I walk into the kitchen

"We have an emergency, let's go" he said seriously

I followed him to my father's office located in the basement. My three sisters and four brothers sat in chairs facing my father. Along with the rest of my dad's closest advisors, security, and friends.

"Alicia there's been a change of plans"

"What's wrong?" I ask my dad

"Vincent Montero is turning eighteen. We don't keep up with their birthdays usually, unless an assassination is planned. But Vincent is throwing a party, we need you to go tonight. Don't draw attention to yourself and do not flirt with other boys that will be there...."

My father pauses as my sisters giggle amongst themselves

"Sorry" Carmen, Gloria, and Sofia said

"Lead him on. You're a very beautiful young lady, just like your mother was. I'm trusting that you can do this... Alone. No back up, no nothing. Solo"

"I can do it"

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