Chapter 21

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Vincent and I climb out my balcony and he catches me as I jump down. Vincent grabs my hand and I squeeze it back

"Where do you want to go?" Vincent smiled

"The candy shop" I grin excitedly

Vincent and I drive over to the candy store and I run inside, a guy about nineteen looked over at me and smiled. I smile back and Vincent comes in looking at candy

I begin a conversation with the guy when Vincent comes over wrapping an arm around me. I look at him confused as the two guys glare at each other

"Jake were just talking about our favorite candy" I say

Vincent pulled me toward the candy and helped me get Mike and Ike's, Swedish Fish, Peach rings, and bubble gum

He pays the guy and as Vincent walks out Jake slips me his number winking. I smile at him and when we get to the car I crumple it up and put it in the cup holder

"Now can we kiss?" Vincent asks whining like a baby

I jump out of my seat and push Vincent's seat back, then he grabs my face and we start kissing. I feel Vincent's hands in my hair as my curls drape over us like a curtain

We stop five minutes later and sit peacefully on our way to Friendly's

"I feel like a kid" Vincent smiled

"A big kid" I correct him

We laugh and order dipping chicken with fries, a Jack Daniel sunday, and Sprite.


My phone goes off and I look at it.. Oh no, it's my dad

"Hey Papi" I say

"Where are you?" He asked seriously

"Out with my best friend Nina" I lie

"I have to talk to you when you get home- screw it, I'm telling you now. Kill Vincent Montero" My father said

"K-kill?" I choke

"You done it before, are you okay?" Papi asked

"Yes, I'm fine. I'll do it" I say

"That's my girl" Papi said hanging up

I eat my food in silence

"Alicia, what's wrong?" Vincent asked

"My dad" I sigh

"What happened?" Vincent frowned

"He wants me to kill you" I cry

Vincent went silent and I couldn't look at him. I got up and left the restaurant holding back tears, I'm not going to cry over this. It's not that serious

"Breathe, Alicia, just breathe" I shake

I take ten deep breaths and when I turn around Vincent hugs me. I push him away

"I knew I shouldn't have liked you" I say

"Alicia, we can just-"

"I shouldn't have come out tonight, I shouldn't have kissed you, and I shouldn't have talked to you" I say

I turn around and start walking away, I didn't want to be near him. I needed to lose all feelings for him and then I'll follow through with the mission

"Alicia, just let me drive you home"

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