Chapter 26

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Vincent and I sit together on the couch and I lay my head on his lap. He plays with my curly mess as we watch Family Guy. Brian was getting tired of Peter going nude so he decided to shave all his fur off to teach him a lesson

"You gonna keep your clothes on!?" Brian yelled

This was one of my favorite episodes ever so I was rolling with laughter, I was having so much fun with Vincent that I didn't understand why I tried to leave in the first place. This was awesome

"Did you hear that?" Vincent asked sitting up

I was still laughing when he asked so I just shook my head, continuing to laugh and giggle at the TV

"I'll be right back" He said seriously

Vincent got up and I curled up on the couch watching Brian rub his wrinkly skin on a quivering Peter. I heard yelling in the kitchen and I jump to my feet, I crouch down and slowly proceed to enter the kitchen. Vincent is trying to fight off four guys in all black, one of the guys' finger is on the trigger

"Where is she?"

"Stop! Don't pull the trigger" I say kicking the gun out the guys hand

"Oh my, the famous Alicia Delgado" A boy about 21 laughed

"That's my name don't wear it out" I snap at him

"You've got your father's temper I see" He said looking at me

I stare at him, he looked somewhat familiar to me but I couldn't put my knife on it. I help Vincent to his feet and he pulls me behind him

"I haven't seen you in over seven years Alicia. Can I at least get a hello? We used to be best friends in training camp"

I peek over Vincent's shoulder still not sure on who this was

"We all were friends back in the day. Isn't that right Vinny?"

I stare at the tall, olive-skinned boy with dark brown hair and hazel eyes

"Go away Kyle" Vincent said angrily

"Alicia, you've gotten so beautiful. That hair, those eyes, your facial features have grown, and hot damn that body" Kyle said smiling

"Kyle....Aren't you Short Jimmy's son?" I ask moving Vincent out the way

"You got it" Kyle grinned

I was the only girl in training camp, Kyle was my best friend until his dad helped Vincent's dad kill my mom. Boy is the mafia complicated. I didn't know whether or not I should hate him so I just scrunched up my nose and turned around

"How rude for a young lady. Why does your father not treat you like your sisters? You belong in the house, not out the sight of a body guard" Kyle said

"Okay, I'm obviously fine so why do you keep talking about it?" I snap

"Your mother should teach you some manners- oh, wait. She's dead" Kyle smirked

I turn around

"DON'T EVER TALK ABOUT HER!" I yell kicking him in the stomach

"You never knew her"

Vincent held me back and Kyle laughed

"You're right, I didn't get a chance to know her because she's ten feet under-ground"

"You'll never get to see her again. She's gone forever, never to be seen again"

My heart shattered and my anger turned into depression and sadness. He knew my weakness, my mom. I loved her with everything I had, she was an amazing mother. I knew my face was pink from holding back tears but I didn't care

"Still holding back tears I see. Just like you did at your mother's funeral" Kyle said

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