Chapter 6

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I get back home and give my father the ring. He smiles pulling me in for a hug

"You did this family a favor. Thank you" he said

I nod going to my room. I look at the watch I had stolen from Vincent Montero, it was nice. It was all black with a gold rim and numbers

"Well it's mine now" I say

"Alicia come downstairs! They have a hit out for you!" My brother yelled

I race out the room and run down the stairs. My sisters and brothers are crowded around a phone

"What's going on?" I ask

"Vincent Montero put a hit out on you. I hacked into his phone and he's sent a message to our enemies to watch out for you. He wants you alive" Jovanny said

I listen to the message

"Last seen in a little black dress, watch out for those eyes. Plus she's armed and dangerous. There's nothing I could do, I couldn't stop her from leading me on. Hands up she said 'Give me everything you've got'. I want her alive, this thief must be caught"

"Ha! At least he doesn't want you dead" Carmen laughed

"Yeah, hilarious. He's just mad because I stole his watch" I smirk holding it in the air

"Damn.... That's nice" My brothers said in awe

"You really are a thief" my sister Gloria said shaking her head

"You better be careful outside" Yadiel warned

"I will" I insisted

I get a phone call from Nayeli and I answer


"Vincent Montero wants you!" She screamed

"I know. Calm down" I say smiling

"You think this is funny don't you!? This is serious!" Nayeli yelled

"I know, but he wants me alive" I said unfazed

"You've got yourself into some trouble this time. You'll need extra security now, oh man, oh man, oh man.... What are we gonna do? I can't lose you!" Nayeli panicked

"I know-"

"You keep saying you know when you don't!! The Montero's are dangerous, they're the people that killed your mother!! They could kill you!" Nayeli cried

"I'm not going anywhere, any time soon. Trust me, I can keep myself safe. I'm a big girl, I tie my own sneakers and everything" I grin

"You better hope nothing happens"

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