Chapter 19

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"You need to stop murdering people" the person said helping me in my car

I look up and Vincent Montero looks at me with a concerned look on his face

"Don't tell me what to do. You almost killed my niece and I when we went out for ice cream" I snap slamming the door

Vincent opens it

"And I'm sorry. I just.... Huh" he sighed

"You just what?" I ask

"I just... like you" Vincent confessed

I was speechless, but my cheeks began to heat up no doubt turning pink

"I like you too"

The words fell out of my mouth without second thoughts, I don't know what had come over me. Vincent's brown eyes widen and he looks at me

"I didn't mean to-"

Then his lips crashed onto mine, I kiss back but pull away after i realize who I'm kissing. This was bad.. So so so so bad. I start my car and slam my door, driving off

I get home and slam my keys on the counter

"Where did you go? Why is there blood on you?" My family asked

"I killed Gerry Valastro" I say going into the kitchen

The follow me in silently and watch me, I clean all the blood off my neck and arms

"Good job, that's my girl!" My father smiled slapping my back

I nod at him and go to my room

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