Chapter 11

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I wake up in my bed with my head pounding. Jesus, this hurts.

I stand up and hold onto my dresser for support, I go into my bathroom and look in the mirror. I have a white bandage wrapped around my head.

Did I really mess myself up that bad?

Well if you have to ask yourself then yes

I go into my medicine cabinet and grab the Tylenol, I take two with water and start to feel better. Rosa comes in my room handing me-

"Wait, this isn't coffee" I say

"I know, it's peppermint tea" Rosa said

"" I whine

"You better drink that tea, it'll help you feel better" Rosa said leaving

I groan drinking the tea. My dad, siblings, and Lia enter my room

"Thanks for knocking" I smile sarcastically

Lia jumps into my arms

"You're super girl!" She yelled

"What?" I laugh

"You saved me" Lia smiled

"I guess I did, didn't I?" I grin

"You did, you did!" She agreed happily

"Jesus Alicia, what the hell happened?" My father demanded to know

"Lia and I went to go get ice cream-"

"We met a boy!" Lia interrupted

I poke her back and she shuts up

"What boy?" Theo asked

Theo looked just like our dad. Tall, olive skin, green eyes, narrow jaw line, and brown hair. Of course our father's age showed, he was fifty and after I was born he vowed not to have another child. He already had eight kids.

"No one Theo. Just the ice cream worker" I insist

"Better be" José said

I roll my eyes

"I was listening to Lia and when I looked up Vincent Montero was at a red light. I tried to look away but he already saw me, Vincent pulled into the parking lot near us. I grabbed Lia and left, they followed us and shot two of my tires. I shielded Lia and Theo got us"

My father nodded

"Well Manuel Rinaldo is trying to set us up. We have to go bust him before we lose anymore men, don't leave this house" José said


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