Chapter 13

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I wake up and rub my neck. I go to the door and try to open it, but to my dismay it's locked. I don't have a weapon, bobby pin, or a window to jump from. I'm stuck. Time for my last resort....

I start kicking the door repeatedly, as I swing my foot in the air the door flies open. Vincent Montero.

I kick my leg in the air trying to kick him in the face but he grabs my keg flipping it up. I fall on my ass and get right back up swinging a fist furry, one after another

"You're not stronger than me" he laughed dodging every punch

I keep throwing my fist until he grabs it, Vincent pushes me to the floor handcuffing me. I kick and yell dishing out threats like never before

"I think I'll be taking this back, darling" Vincent teased taking the watch

Vincent puts me on my feet and I kick him in the ankle

"Good one" he smiled

Vincent throws me over his shoulder carrying me down the stairs

"Now I want some answers" Vincent said sitting me down in a chair

I stand up and he pushes me back down

"I didn't want to tie you up. But you're making things difficult princess" Vincent said clenching his teeth

I was now tied to the chair

"I want some answers. Where is your father? Where are your siblings?" Vincent asked

"Why do you need to know?" I snap

Vincent grabbed my jaw and made me look at him

"Where are they?" He asked once more

I just stare at Vincent not saying a word

"You're making this harder than what it has to be. I was seriously thinking about letting you go but I don't know anymore" Vincent said

"I was gonna go home anyway" I say

"But how if you're locked up in a room all day?" He smirked

"I guess I'll just have to kill you. Something I'm sure your familiar with" I snap

He laughs

"Kill the hit man? You?" He laughed

"You're a thief not a killer, don't get ahead of yourself"

I scowl at him before smirking

"I'm a big girl, I can do both. Now you, you couldn't steal a penny from the sidewalk. Don't get ahead of yourself, it's embarrassing. Really. I thought you would've been smarter than that"

Vincent stopped laughing

"You don't know anything about me" he said

"And you don't know anything about me" I smile

"What are you getting at?"

"You know nothing about me. All you know is what my task is and my name, you don't know what I'm about. And you don't know what I can do."

"But you... Oh boy, I know one thing about you so far"

"What?" Vincent asked obviously intrigued

"I'm not telling you"

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