Chapter 10

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They popped my tire and we spin uncontrollably, I knew we'd crash soon so I grabbed Lia and covered her with my body. Forming a human shield around her. I didn't want to fly out the top of my car so I put the roof down.

Lia screams and I squeeze my eyes shut waiting for impact. Another tire pops and that's when we hit a bump and my car flips over. I squeezed Lia's small body as she kept screaming

I smack against the roof of the car hitting my head. My vision was blurry as we rolled across the ground, the car finally stopped and I sat upside down. The car was upside down, the tires up in the air and the top on the ground.

"Lia are you okay?" I ask

"Yes" she said

"Are you hurt at all?" I ask

"No" she said

I sigh and release her

"We're upside down" Lia says

"We have to get out" I tell her

I kick at the windows but they don't break

"Cover your ears" I say to Lia

She does as I told her to and I shoot the window, glass shattered everywhere and I kick Lia out the car. I crawl out and I don't know where we are, all I see are three black cars

I pick up Lia and start running, my brothers red car comes into view and it goes faster

I feel something warm crawling down my head. I touch it and look, blood. I slow down after a while and gradually go slower and slower.

"Alicia" Lia says

I drop her and collapse on the ground.

"Alicia!!" She cried

My brothers red car stops in front of my body and Lia is put into the car

"Theo.." I groan

"Hush baby sis" he said picking me up

And that's when I blacked out

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