Chapter 14

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I begin to giggle in delight at his face. He was so confused and desperate to know what I knew. He glared at me clenching his jaw

"Look. How about we just forget about this? You let me go home and no one will ever know" I say trying to reason with Vincent

"No!" He yelled slamming his hand on the table

I stare at Vincent with a lump in my throat

"What, no words to say?" He asked

I start messing with the rope tied around my wrists

"Answer me. You don't want my dad to ask you twice, I'm trying to be nice" Vincent said

"Ooh I'm terrified. Alicia Delgado will never be afraid of a Montero, especially your dick of a father" I sneer

"Don't talk about my father like that" Vincent warned

'I'll talk about whoever I want when I want. It's my mouth and I choose what comes out!" I argue

"You have quite the spice" Vincent smiled

"That's not what you said at your party" I smile back

"You tricked me. Even though I still feel something for you. I don't know what, but somethings there. I can't deny it" he said running his hand through his rich black hair

"I feel something for you too. Hatred" I say as I huge grin spreads across my lips

"Funny. But the bad guy always gets the girl" Vincent said shrugging

"I thought it was good girl, bad guy. Not bad girl, bad guy. You need to set your priorities straight, man" I laugh

"But if the bad guy wants the bad girl. He'll get the bad girl" Vincent smiled

"I guess we'll just have to wait and see. But don't cry to your mommy when I break your little heart into a million pieces. Once a bad girl, always a bad girl" I reason

"So I have a chance?" Vincent asked

"Not in the slightest"

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