Chapter 20

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Vincent kissed me....

I can't believe it, well I can but it's hard to process. I'll just never talk to him again, boom. Problem solved

"Psst, Alicia"

I go to my balcony and a black figure is climbing up to my window

"Who is it?" I ask getting ready to kick them off the balcony

"It's Vincent"

I scrunch my face up

"Go away" I say

"We need to talk" Vincent said standing in front of me

"Am I speaking French? I said go away" I sneer

He wouldn't listen so I went to push him over the balcony, but he grabbed my wrists

"Stop. Alicia, we need to talk" Vincent said calmly

I look away from him angrily

"No, we don't. I have nothing to say" I tell Vincent

He grabbed my chin and pulled my face toward his

"Look at me" Vincent ordered

"You can't tell me what to do" I snap

Vincent rolled his eyes

"Can you at least be more careful when you're alone?" Vincent asked

"I can defend myself" I say

"You can?" Vincent asked smirking, obviously amused


Vincent grabbed

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