Chapter 27

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I wake up and yawn, trying to stretch. But one of my wrist was handcuffed to the bedpost, I pull away but it just hurts so I stop


I look up and Vincent is sitting tied up in a corner

"Are you okay?" I ask

Before he could answer Kyle bursts through the door

"Alicia, how was your sleep?" he smiled

He disgusted me

"Kill yourself" I mumble

Kyle slapped me and called in for his men

"Tie her up" Kyle said waving his hand in the air

I kicked and tried to fight back but four against one isn't really a fair fight

"Leave" Kyle told them

They followed his commands and it was just the three of us. Vincent, Kyle, and I

"You can watch" Kyle smirked

Vincent immediately started freaking out

"Don't touch her, I swear to God himself I'll murder you" Vincent promised

Kyle rolled his eyes and smiled at me

"Fine, I'll let her struggle" He sighed

Kyle untied my two legs and I instantly tried to kick him

"Go ahead and fight, it turns me on" Kyle whispered in my ear

I was confused. Do I fight?

Of course you dumb ass

I moved the lower half of my body in anyway I could to get away from him, but he just sat on top of me undoing his pants

"Leave her alone! Stop!" Vincent yelled

"Get off of me you creep!" I screamed as he began taking off my pants

"Just enjoy it and you won't feel a thing" Kyle said kissing me

I moved my head and he held it to the side kissing my neck

"Stop, get off!" I begged

I crossed my legs and squeezed them together as tight as I could. Vincent was trying to break out of his restraints and he yelled at Kyle

"Come on, don't make it worse" Kyle said

"If you undo your legs I'll be gentle. But if I have to undo them you won't walk for a week"

He began prying at my legs, his nails digging into my thighs. I screamed in pain as I tried to keep my legs together. In my last attempt to protect myself I kicked him where the sun don't shine. Kyle yelled and fell over, Vincent picked me up and broke the window. He threw me out

"Kill them all!!" Kyle yelled

Vincent and I ran, we ran until we stole one of Kyle's vehicles. From there we drove to my house and kicked in the door

"Everyone run!! Get out, we're all going to be murdered if we don't!!" I screamed

My family was rich. We had no need to worry about our possessions, I pick up Lia and we all race around the house picking up important files

Gun shots erupt everywhere and Vincent ushers Lia and I out the window. A car pulls up from beneath us and Vincent holds my hand, kissing me

"No matter what happens...Just know that I love you" Vincent said throwing us off the roof

A man pushed us into the car and Vincent waves goodbye

"What about Vincent?" I ask the middle aged man that was driving

"He's saving your family. You'll see them again, just not for a while" He answered

I held Lia close to me and hoped that my family and Vincent would survive.

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