Chapter 9

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Lia was swinging her feet and eating her ice cream as she kept talking. Vincent Montero looked over at our table as his car stopped at a red light. I was wearing his watch. I was both amused and nervous, I'm only nervous because I have Lia with me.

"Alicia!" Lia yelled

"I'm listening" I assure her

"Okay..." And I tune her out watching Vincent's car

Vincent made a U-turn and pulled into the parking lot of the ice cream parlor.

"Come on, let's go.... To the park!" I say

"Okay" Lia agrees getting up

I pick her up as Vincent gets out the car slamming the door hard. I throw her into the backseat

"Ow Alicia!" She whined

"I'm sorry!" I apologize

I try to crank my car but it won't start, there's something lodged into the ignition! I see Vincent's men get out of two black cars walking toward the car. I bend over messing with the wires of my car hot wiring it.

"Jackpot!" I smile

"Alicia!" Lia yelled

I look up and a man is trying to pull her out the car as she hangs on to the seat belt crying. I pull out my gun aiming it at him

"Drop the fucking girl!" I yell

The man sees my pistol and drops her, I stand up on my seat pointing the gun at everyone

"Back up" I warn

They put their hands up

"Thanks for the watch, it's actually really nice. I think I'll keep it" I say winking at Vincent

He presses his lips in a hard line trying not to look into my eyes. I fall into my seat and hit the gas

Vincent's car chases after mine and the others follow close behind. I go as fast as my car could go and Lia screamed holding onto my waist. I call my brother Theo

"Theo help!!" I scream

"What's going on? Where are you?"

"Route 43 headed home!!" I yell

"I'm on my way, keep driving!"

I hear a gun shot go off and Lia screams


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