Chapter 22

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"No" I say as I keep walking

"You don't even know how to get home" Vincent said touching my shoulder

I roughly push his hand off me

"Leave me alone" I tell Vincent

"Please, Alicia" Vincent begged

I close my eyes, take a breath, and open them. I keep walking ignoring him, I'm not talking to him for now on, it just causes more problems

Vincent grabs my arm hard and pulls me toward his car, I begin refusing to go with him. I hit his arm over and over until he throws me over his shoulder

"Help! Help!" I scream as I try to get away

Vincent holds me against the car and I look at the ground

"Look at me" He says

I don't move

"Look at me!" Vincent roared

I was surprised by his tone of voice but I still kept my head down in silence. Vincent grabbed my chin and forced my head up, I close my eyes and he gets upset

"You're making this harder than what it has to be, just look at me" Vincent groaned

"This is your last warning, please. I don't want to hurt you" Vincent said

I was tempted to fight back but I kept quiet. My body was then slammed against the car, I gasped at the pain and lack of air but I kept my eyes closed. I held in all my pain

"Come on, Alicia" Vincent said

I want to talk to you so bad but I have to kill you

"Goddammit, Alicia!!!" He yelled slamming me again

This time I just opened my eyes as I fell to the ground, I kept back my tears not wanting to show my weakness or fear

"It's okay Alicia, just cry! Scream! Do something to show me how you feel!" Vincent begged

I start to crawl away from him but the pain in my back was unbearable, it burned, stung, ached, and felt broken. But I knew he didn't hurt me that much

I just laid on the ground silently, Vincent came over and flipped me on my back. I wanted to cry from the contact which caused even more pain

"Please, do something!" Vincent begged once more

Then he walked away, when I thought I was alone I cried and sobbed along side of the road, near the parking lot

"There we go" Vincent said picking me up

I kept sobbing and crying

"Take me h-home!" I sobbed

My back was still killing me and I just wanted to be alone in my room

"I'm sorry" Vincent said

"I don't care! I just want to go home!" I screamed

I rolled out of his arms and sat on the ground crying. Vincent leaned down and tried to grab my shoulder

"Don't touch me!" I cry

I hugged my knees and pulled out my phone

"Kayla" I sniff

"Oh my God, are you okay?"

"Please, pick me up" I beg

"I'm coming baby" Kayla said

She was probably going to track my phone

"Alicia, please" Vincent whispered

"I know it's weird, but I love you" I say

Kayla pulled up and got out the car, now she was my only friend whose family wasn't in the mafia. They were normal

"Who's this, did he hurt you?!" She yelled looking up at Vincent

"Just take me home Kayla" I say

Kayla helps me up and puts me in the car, and our ride home is silent

Love RobberyTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon