Starting off

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"So, starting off ready, bro?" Stiles and I were walking to our first class at our new college. My heart was racing. Starting off at a new school, as a werewolf, and only my best friend knows. I ran my hand through my hair and tried to put any thoughts of Beacon Hills out of my head. We had left it in good hands. Sort of. Whatever. We turned the corner into our classroom, and sat towards the back of the class. I put my head in my hands and prepared myself for...whatever this class was. I hadn't really looked at the class names, just where they were. The door opened and closed again, and a girl with a quickening heartbeat came in and took the seat next to me. I looked over at her and saw that she was nervously fingering the pendant on her necklace. As my eyes focused on her face, I almost fell backwards. She was beautiful. Her eyes were bright and hazel, perfectly outlined in eyeliner, her long blonde hair was slightly curled, and her lips were just the right color. I couldn't stop staring at her. She looked up and waved at the door. I hadn't even noticed that another girl had walked into the classroom. She had long, dark hair that framed her tan face and striking black eyes. Her eyelashes were very long, but she wasn't wearing any makeup.  She was pretty, sure, but not my type. Then again, I didn't really have a type, there were just girls that caught my attention. The teacher walked into the classroom and took a seat behind her desk. 

"Hello, class. I am Mrs. Littleworth. I will be your teacher for the rest of the year, and the first thing I will do every day is take roll. Now, do we have a Steve Alice? Oh, there you are..." She had a very monotone voice, so I wasn't really paying attention to the names. Until...

"Scott McCall?" I raised up my hand. She continued to rap off names. I continued to not listen. But one name caught my attention. 

"Aurora Quartz?" The beautiful girl raised up her hand. That name perfectly matched her. I started straight ahead, but I thought I felt her eyes staring at me. I was jolted back to reality when the name phenomenon that was going to happen in every class happened. 

"Um I can't pronounce that. Uh, Stilinski? Something Stilinski?" Stiles waved. 

"Yeah, you can just call me Stiles." 

"Okay. Um, Serene...." My mind trailed off again. After a few more names, the teacher stood up from her desk and started to write on the board. I looked up. This class was...calculus. I put my head down on the desk. Math was always my worst class. I took out my notebook and copied down exactly what was on the board, but I couldn't really process it. I was thinking about how I would talk to Aurora after class without sounding like some doofus. Before I knew it, the bell rang, and everyone stood up. I put my notebook away and lifted up my backpack. I looked around, but Aurora was already gone with the sea of students leaving the classroom. Stiles grabbed my arm and dragged me out towards our next class. He pulled me to the side of the hall. 

"Dude, you so have the hots for that blonde chick, Aurora." I glared at him. 

"So what?"

"So," he patted my shoulder, "I'm going to help you get with her." We walked over to the next class, me grinding my teeth like an idiot. 

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