Chapter 9 (Scott)

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When I walked out of class, I instantly felt like something was off. The hallway reeked of blood. Fresh blood. I slowly  trudged down the long hallway, following the heavy smell of blood. The trail stopped at a broom closet. I was afraid to open it. What would I find? There was definitely a dead body, but what did it look like?  I moved my hand towards the doorknob. I stopped short. When I opened this door and saw who was inside, I would accept the truth that I could never lead a normal life. Nonetheless, I had to take care of this shit. Who else would? I looked around to see if anyone was around, and I opened the door. In the darkness, a woman's lifeless body is laid in the corner. A pool of blood was under her. I slammed the door quickly and sped-walked away from the closet, straight into Aurora. 

"What's the big hurry?" She looked worried; I realized my eyes were probably very wide with fear.

"We're not safe here."

"Did you expect you would be?" I turned around to find myself face-to-face with Jessica Brooks. "Because we can never be safe. Like anywhere." Aurora put her hand on Jessica's shoulder to pull her back.

"Who are you?" Jessica brushed Aurora's hand off. 

"Relax. I have a boyfriend." Aurora moved closer to me. 

"All right. Who is he?" Jessica seemed to tense up a little bit. She looked up at the ceiling. 

"...Derek..." I walked towards her a bit. 

"Derek? Derek Hale?" She nodded. "Where has he been?"

"Ya know, around." My eyes narrowed. 

"Where's 'around'?" She rolled her eyes. 

"Just ask him when he comes. Know, why do I smell blood?" My mind reeled back to the dead body. I nodded my head to the closet. Jessica looked at me quizzically, then opened the door. She slammed it and backed up. Aurora lightly touched my shoulder. 

"We should go." I nodded. 

"See you around, Jessica." 

"Are we just leaving the body?"

"No need to worry anyone." Jessica looked up and down the hall to make sure no one was watching or listening. 

"There's a freshman, Laurel. She's pretty sketchy. Keep an eye on her." 

"Will do." With that, she walked down the hall, turned a corner, and disappeared from sight. 

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