Chapter 15 (Scott)

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Wandering through the school at night didn't nearly get as much credit for being creepy as it did in the media. Every time I picked up the tiniest sound, I would flick my flashlight at the source. Mostly, it was windows hitting the wall or wind blowing through the corridors. The smell of blood from the person in the closet was still on the air, even it was faint.

"Anything yet?" Aurora and I had separated from Stiles and Serene to search for the drakon. They opted to take the pool and gym while we were stuck with the main building.

"No." She sighed and continued to peer into classrooms. "Wait, I may have something." She shined her light through the small window on the door of our math classroom.

"What is it?"

"It looks like some desks are turned over...maybe some slash marks..." Using her slightly heightened strength, she nudged it open with her shoulder. The doorknob clattered to the door and it creaked open.

"Ladies first." She gestured for me to go in.

"Haha." I walked into the classroom and began to scan for anything suspicious. Aurora checked out the small closet in the back. Scratch marks decorated the walls and one of the windows was smashed. I stepped over a few desks and came upon a small, glittering object. I picked it up and found it to be a small scale.

"It was definitely the drakon." I called to Aurora.

"Yeah, picked up on that." She stepped away from the closet to reveal an entire drakon skin shoved into the back.

"Oh, so it sheds...lovely." I tried to pick up on its scent, but nothing stood out. "It doesn't have a scent or anything." Aurora wiggled her nose.

"Yeah. Nothing. Huh."

"That's going to be very helpful." I said, my voice laced with sarcasm.

"Let's keep looking." She took my arm and led me back out into the hall.

"Do you hear anything else?" I asked her.

"Nope. Just the regular sounds of the school." She moved her flashlight around, hitting various lockers and doors with the light. I discovered a few more scales, but no other scratch marks or blood. Then a crash made me nearly drop my flashlight. Aurora clung to my arm and shifted her light to show what was straight down the hall. Some glimmering eyes and a growl greeted us. I felt my eyes turn and my claws came out. Aurora pulled out her blade and flipped to her other eyes. The drakon regarded us for a second, then it took off running. Apparently, it knew how it much it could handle. We ran after it.

It whipped around a corner and seemingly disappeared. I sweeped over the dead end hall. I looked up only to find a broken window and a small trail of drakon blood. I retracted my claws and changed my eyes back to normal.

"Great." Aurora sheathed her sword and fiddled with the hilt.

"That is one slippery snake."

"We should tell Stiles and Serene."

"Gotcha." She pulled out her phone and texted Serene. "Let's go outside and see if we can find it." I nodded.

"This window leads to the parking lot, right?"

"Yep." We ran back through the halls and out the main doors. Serene and Stiles were in the distance, running towards the parking lot. A small silhouette bounded in between the cars and out towards the road. 

"You idiots aren't going to catch it like that." A voice came from the parking lot. Jessica Brooks stepped out and crossed her arms. Aurora narrowed her eyes and put her hands on her hips as Stiles jumped backwards.

"Jesus, woman! Don't jump out at us like that!"

"Well, I mean, just trying to keep you guys from making dumb decisions. To catch that thing, you're going to have to set a trap or something. Or discover who it is." Aurora took a step forward and gave Jessica a piece of her mind.

"Just because you act all wise and mysterious, doesn't mean we're going to listen to your 'advice'" She put air quotes around the last word.

"Okay, fine. Don't listen to me. But at least, listen to him." She inclined her head to the left. Out of the shadows stepped a guy who I hadn't seen in forever.


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