Chapter 3 (Scott)

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It was the most awkward car ride of my life. I had shotgun with Stiles, who gripped the steering wheel so tight his knuckles were white, with Aurora and Serene in the back. They were both texting on their phones. I turned back to the front and stared at the city. I rested my head back on the headrest. Stiles made a turn into the parking lot outside of a little diner. He parked horribly. I stepped out of the car and slammed the door. Stiles trailed behind followed by Aurora and Serene. I reminded myself to punch Stiles in the face later for dragging me on the most awkward breakfast ever. A small bell dinged as we walked into the restaurant, and Stiles jumped at the noise. He tried to play it off cool, but just ended up looking like an idiot. I slid into the first booth I saw followed by Aurora. I tried to stare at her or blush. Serene sat next to her and Stiles fell in next to her. Yes, he fell. He tried to slide in all cool like, but he tripped over the side of the booth and fell in right next to Serene. She didn't seem to notice. I picked up my menu even though I was just going to get some pancakes. I needed a distraction so I didn't stare at Aurora. After five minutes of pure awkwardness, Stiles cleared his throat. 

"So, what is everyone getting." Aurora closed her menu. 

"Waffles." She said it like a crazy person. I choked on my water and Stiles face palmed. She blushed a bit, but laughed too. 

"Do you have to say waffles in that voice all the time?" Serene was looking at her with one eyebrow raised. 

"Yes, it is a necessary part of my life." 

"Well, I'm getting an omelet, and I'm going to say it like a normal person." Serene glared jokingly at Aurora. Aurora smiled. A waitress walked over to our table. 

"What do you kids want to eat?" She had a friendly face, a little bit chubby, with short black hair and brown eyes. 

"Yeah, I'll have a waffle." She said it said waffles like a normal person, but really loud, and she stared right at Serene. 

"I'll have a ham omelet, please." Serene  folded up her menu and handed it to the waitress. 

"Oh, I'll have the same." I realized Stiles had been surprisingly quiet and not sarcastic at all. 

"A stack of pancakes, please." She took the rest of our menus and walked over to the kitchen. We returned back to the awkward silence. 

"So...anyone listen" Stiles's cheeks looked like he painted them red. 

"Well, I love Panic! At the Disco." Aurora was making eye contact with Stiles. Then she turned to me. Her green eyes were piercing, but there was something familiar about them. Almost like something just behind her eyes was the same about someone I knew. 

"Oh, I like all kinds of music...Fall Out Boy...Green Day...yeah." It was bothering me. Her eyes were so new, yet so ancient. Serene sat up really straight.

"Okay, I know we have all been thinking this, but I'm going to say it. This is the most awkward breakfast ever. So, we need better topics of conversation. What are you guys majoring in?"

"History, you know, dead people. So fun." Stiles had gotten up the courage to be sarcastic. Aurora raised up her hand. 

"Me too. Dead people are so very interesting." Serene laughed. 

"Lovely. Scott?" 

"Biology. This is going to sound very ten-year-old-girl-ish, but I want to be a veterinarian." Serene nodded.

"Nope, that's completely legitimate. I'm studying law." The silence threatened to fall over us again. 

"Anyone watch Daredevil?" Aurora had a look of hope on her face. I actually had watched Daredevil, and loved it. 

"I watch it." She hugged my arm. 

"Finally, I have found a person who understands me!" She looked over at Serene. "Who's not Serene." She let go of my arm and I became conscious that I was blushing like mad. I was saved by our food. I dumped most of the syrup on my pancakes. Aurora snatched it up as soon as I set it down and took the rest of the bottle. Her waffle looked like it was sitting in a small pool, but then again, so did my pancakes. The pancakes were pretty good. I think. I could mostly taste the syrup. The waitress came over and put the check on the end of the table. I grabbed it and handed it over to Stiles. 

"Your idea, you're paying." He rolled his eyes and pulled out his wallet. He put a twenty down. 

"Ready guys? Most awkward car ride 2.0!" Stiles scooted out of the booth. Serene stood up and began walking to the parking lot. 

"It didn't help that last time we had no music." Aurora was following Serene out the door. The bell jingled. I took shotgun and flipped the radio on. Country music blasted out of the speakers. I turned to Stiles, staring at him sarcastically. He shrugged. I changed it to a different channel. 

"-One more night and one more time, thanks for the memories, even though they weren't so great..." Aurora jumped into the car.

"Sweet, I love this song." Serene shut the door. 

"To the campus!" Stiles backed up and turned onto the street. We rolled down our windows and blasted Fall Out Boy. We reached the campus about ten minutes later. Stiles parked his car and we all stepped out. The girls said goodbye and walked over to their dorms. Stiles locked the jeep and began to walk over to our dorms, but I saw a girl who attracted my attention. She looked like she was in her early twenties, so she was probably a senior, and she had long brown hair tied back in a ponytail. She was wearing a black shirt with a flannel around her waist and big black combat boots to match. She looked ready for mountain climbing. Her friend was talking to her about classes, then the friend turned and walked away. She turned towards me and flashed her bright blue eyes at me. But blue wasn't their natural color. She was a supernatural being, and she had killed innocent people. Her faded back to their regular color, brown, and she followed her friend. I jogged a bit and caught up with Stiles. 

"There's one here. She's not a werewolf, but she's something."

"Holy crap. We are never going to lead normal lives, are we?"

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