Chapter 12 (Stiles)

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"Duck!" I threw my body against the ground and covered my neck. An inhuman screech and loud thump told me Serene had hit the weird-lizard-looking thing. I slowly lifted up my head and looked around. An unconscious lizard was beside me. I yelped and scurried onto my feet. Serene was holding a lacrosse stick. Her face was covered in small scratches and a giant gash on her leg was slowly healing. 

"Well, that wasn't how I expected this date to go."

"Me neither." She dropped the lacrosse stick. A small sound echoed throughout the gym, causing the lizard to twitch slightly. 

"Let's go." 

"Yep." We both ran towards the exit and came out next to the pool. A roar reverberated from the gym and bounced into out ears. I felt my legs move faster and soon I was sprinting full force at the door. For some reason, my mind brought my focus to a no running sign. Even in emergencies. Screw that. I threw my body against the heavy door and came out into the cool evening. Serene slammed the slowly closing door and locked it from the outside. 

"That should hold it." We were both panting.

"Yeah. Hey, other than the crazy lizard, I thought our date went pretty well." She nodded. Her cheeks were slightly pink. It was a nice moment until a metallic bang on the doors caused me to make a less-than-manly noise. I grabbed Serene's hand and, fueled with new adrenaline, I ran to my dorm. Once we were up the stair and at the door, I threw it open and slammed it shut. Scott and Aurora were staring at us. After a few seconds of awkward silence, Scott noticed our cuts. Or my cuts at least. Serene was fine. 

"What the hell?" 

"Giant...lizard...thing...and...lacrosse...stick...DEATH!" Aurora's eyes lit up.

"Was it the drakon?" 

"A what?" I threw my arms up in frustration. What even was a drakon? Serene stepped forward.

"Yeah. It was like...some sort drakon..." Aurora turned to Scott.

"Same thing that just attacked me. I bet it also killed that person we found in the closet."

"Most likely." Aurora rubbed her hands together. 

"Well, call us the Winchesters because we got some monsters to hunt." I looked at her, very confused. 

"The Winchesters...?"

"You know, Sam and Dean? Supernatural?" I shrugged. "No? Come on, dude. You should be more immersed in your American culture." Serene grabbed Aurora's shoulder. 

"Find drakon first, argue about fandoms later, okay?" Aurora rolled her eyes. 

"I shall educate you later."

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