Chapter 10 (Stiles)

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The lawn was definitely the best part about school. You could reflect on your classes, make plans for the future, joke with your friends, or dwell on the fact that you totally fell under the spell of an enchanting man-eating sea demon. An excellent edition to the school. I cradled my head in my hands, silently cursing myself. She could be working with whatever had killed that person Scott told me about, and yet I was going to go on a date with her. Tomorrow. As I sat moping, Scott sat down next to me. He slid his backpack off of his shoulder and stared into the sky. He seemed slightly distressed. I straightened up and stared at him. He didn't move. I waved my hand in front of his face. Nothing. 

"What?!" I threw up my arms in exasperation.

"I did it again."

"Did what again?" He slouched slightly and rubbed his jaw. He moved his gaze down onto me. 

"I was walking down the hall with Aurora after classes finished, and she said goodbye, but I kissed her."

"What's so bad about that?" He massaged his temples.

"We never have kissed! I don't even know if we're dating or not!" 

"Wow, you can reel in the girls, but after, you just fail." He face palmed. 

"She just looked at me weird after and walked off to her dorm. What if she never talks to me again?"

"I don't know, but at least you don't have a date with a possibly evil Ariel." Scott stood up abruptly. 

"You know what? I'm going to find Aurora and make us official."

"Have fun with that." Scott picked up his backpack and walked off quickly. I reverted back to sulking. 

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