Chapter 6 (Stiles)

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"It's Derek!? What?! Didn't he die?!" I was pacing around the room and running my fingers through my hair. 

"We don't know he 'died.' He just...disappeared." Scott was sitting on the edge of his bed.

"Wait...who's Derek?" I looked over at Aurora. 

"Kinda forgot you were here." I looked at Scott for support. 

"Just a...guy."  Aurora raised an eyebrow.

"He kinda sounds like more than just a 'guy.'" I rolled my eyes. 

"The circumstances are complicated." 

"I've had my share of complicated." Scott stood up.

"I don't think you've had this type of complicated."

"Wanna bet?" I remembered that she was friends with Serene. Still, what if she didn't? She would think we were crazy.

"Hmm...maybe. What kind of 'complicated' have you dealt with?" She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. I expected her eyes to start glowing in some bizarre color, but they remained their usual green. 

"If I'm wrong, you'll both think I'm crazy..." She trailed off as her phone began to ring very loudly and obnoxiously. Her cheeks gained a bit of pink. She picked it up and stared at the screen. Her face tightened a bit with worry. 

"Um, I have to go, but I'll see you later. Oh, Scott, give me your phone." Without missing a beat, Scott had unlocked his phone and given it to Aurora. She typed in her number. 

"There. Now you can text me." She turned around to the door, flipping her hair slightly in the process. Her footsteps echoed through the hallway and faded as she made her way down the stairs. Scott stared at the closed door. 

"So, Derek?" 

"Yeah, I don't know how he got my number, but I have a text from him right here." Scott opened messages and gave me his phone. 


No time to explain. I'm at your school because of a supernatural creature break-out. I need you to keep an eye out for any strange activity. Text this number if you find anything. 


I read it again. 

"What kind of supernatural creatures?"

"How am I supposed to know! In case you didn't notice, it's a pretty vague message." I threw up my hands. 

"You know what, Derek has to get out of this whole 'dark overlord of mystery' or whatever." Scott sat back on his bed. I yawned. 

"Welp, I'm sleeping. Night." I shut off my lamp and closed my eyes. 

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