Chapter 7 (Scott)

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I sat down on the hood of Stiles's jeep, waiting in the parking lot for Aurora. The moon was just rising over the buildings casting a faint white glow. The moon was almost full; I could feel it coaxing me on, making me want to change a little bit, but I knew how to stay calm. Maybe she's not coming, I thought to myself. I slid off of the hood and opened the driver's side door. I flipped on the radio and sat back on the hood. In the distance, I could hear footsteps walking towards the car. I grabbed my phone out of my pocket so I looked more casual. I pretended to be texting someone. The footsteps were just about at the car. 

"Hey, Scott." I looked up. Aurora was wearing a white blouse with dark blue jeans. Her eyelids shimmered silver. Her lips were a deep red. 

"Wow. You look...amazing." She blushed a bit. 

"Thanks. You look pretty good too." I had gelled up my hair slightly and I was wearing the nicest shirt I had. I swung my legs down and came off of the hood. 

"So...where should we go?"

"Uh..." I thought for a little bit. "Oh! I got the perfect place!" I opened up the passenger side door for her. She hopped in, and I walked over to my side. I flipped on the engine and drove out of the parking lot. An 80's love song was playing on the radio. My cheeks warmed. I was determined not to look like an idiot, so I kept my eyes glued to the road. We reached town, the street lamps making the night seem bright. I stopped right outside of the deli. 

"Wait here. I'll be right back." Aurora look a little bit confused. 

"Okay." I basically sprinted into the deli. The shelves were almost empty. I grabbed a bag of chips and a coke. The cashier was reading a magazine at the checkout. 

"You got money to pay for that?" I reached into my back pocket and handed the guy a twenty. He handed me my change. 

"Thanks." I walked back out to the car and put the food on the back seat. I started back up the car and turned back onto the road. My phone began to vibrate. 

"Oh, will you look at that for me?" 

"Sure." Aurora picked up my phone. "It's Stiles." 

"Put it on speaker." 

"Why did you steal my freakin' car?!" I cringed. 

"I thought I left a note."

"Yeah, you did, idiot! I still need my yes, my car that belongs to me!" Aurora was laughing. 

"All right, you can borrow my bike."

"There is no way in hell I am gonna drive that death trap! So you can get your furry little werewolf ass back here-"

"Stiles! You're on speaker!" Silence. 

"Oh. Hi,'s just a weird joke from high school..." Aurora looked slightly relieved. 

"Yeah, weird joke." 

"Okay, Stiles I'll return the car later tonight. Bye!" I hung up the phone. A small dirt road cut through the forest. I pulled over. 

"You up for a walk?" She nodded, a small smile tugging at the sides of her lips. I turned on a small lantern and grabbed the bags of food. Small clouds of dust appeared in our wake as we made our way to the destination. The full moon made for some light, but I could still barely see with my human eyes. We reached a clearing and I sat down. Aurora set herself down next to me. Trees surrounded us on all sides and the moon shone through the thicket. 

"This is beautiful." I smiled. 

"I knew you'd like it." The air was cool, but her green eyes were so warm. She took my arm and wrapped it around her shoulders. She leaned her body against mine. It was just us. No one else mattered for the moment. Then, a twig breaking destroyed the peaceful quiet. Aurora sat up fast, and the lightbulb in the lamp popped. 


"Did you just apologize for the lightbulb overcharging?" I looked over at her. Her eyes were glowing a warm gray. She turned and looked over at the forest. 

"Someone's in the forest." I looked through my other eyes. There was someone in the forest, but they weren't human. I looked at Aurora. A small silver aura clung to her arms. A small fox seemed to rest on her shoulders.

"You're a kitsune." She turned around fast and jumped back. 

"And you're a wolf." I laughed. 

"Yep." She stood up. 

"The thing that was following us is gone." I peered into the forest. They had just disappeared into the dark. Aurora turned to face me again.

"Do you trust me? Like, at all?"

"Of course. You've given me no reason not to."

"Well, now you know I'm a fox..." I occurred to me why her eyes seemed so familiar. She was a kitsune like Kira.

"Yeah, but that changes nothing. Let's go." We jogged down the path back to the jeep.

The Fox and the Siren - A Teen Wolf FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now