~Flash Back~ (Aurora)

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I used to love sitting outside and staring at the full moon. Then I went into the attic. Piece of advice, never, ever go into the attic. You may not find ghosts, but you will find dangerous things. In my case, it was a necklace. Necklaces aren't very freaky by themselves, but when a needle comes out of the charm and pricks your thumb, they become slightly more menacing. I ripped the sliver necklace off of my neck and threw it back into the box. The blood from my small cut was absorbed into the pendant, and the runes etched around the gem began glowing. My head started throbbing and my vision went double. I tried to find something to grab onto to avoid falling, but the world darkened and went black as I fell to the floor.

I woke up to the full moon filtering through the small window across from me. I slowly sat up and rubbed the back of my head. I had smacked it against the ground. I scanned the room and saw the necklace laying in the corner glowing with the moonlight. I stood up and began walking over to it, but something was wrong. As soon as the moonlight hit my skin, my sight was lined with a silver glint. I looked in a mirror sitting on top of a box and saw a small silver fox resting on my shoulders.

"What the-" I tried to grab it, but my fingers slipped through it. It did pick up its head, though. A voice echoed through my ears.

"Congratulations. You have found me. I have been up here for decades ever since I was severed from my last host."

"What are you?"

"I am your spiritual guide now. I will teach the ways of the kitsune. But first, take the sword."

What sword...oh." A hilt was sticking out from behind an old television set. I picked it up to reveal a curved blade.

"It's a sabre. Use it wisely." The fox began to dissolve.

"Wait what's happening?" The fox completely disappeared and left me with no answers. I picked up the necklace and put it into a box. I looked at my reflection in the mirror again and almost screamed. My eyes were silver instead of their usual green. A silver glimmer seemed to surround me. I blinked hard and told myself I was seeing things, but when I look back in the mirror, nothing changed. I ran down into my room and found a pair of sunglasses to cover up the weird silver eyes. Luckily, the silver aura seemed to only appear in mirrors. Who was I going to tell about my problem? What if it never went away?! I had to talk to the only person who would believe me and not call me crazy. I snuck out my window and sprinted to my best friend Serene's house. Since her room was on the first floor, I walked up to her window and tapped on it three times. She stirred in her bed and sat up. Once she saw me, she glared at me. I waved and gave a big smile. She rolled her eyes and opened up the window. 

"First of all, sunglasses at night? Megadouche much? Second, it's the middle of the night! And third, I love your shirt where did you get it?"

"Um, Forever 21, I have something important to show you and the sunglasses are covering why I came here." She stepped back and gestured inside. I hopped in and plopped down on her bed. 

"Okay, what is it? Blindness in one eye? Missing eye? Different person's eye?"

"You watch too many violent shows. Now, don't freak out when I take off the sunglasses." She nodded. I pulled off the glasses and glanced up at her. She jumped back a bit. 

"Oh my God, you look like you're possessed by the moon." 

"Um, I think it's a fox."

"What?!" I proceeded to tell her the whole story, and when I finished she actually seemed less confused. 

"Why aren't you freaking out or calling me crazy?"

"I thought you wouldn't become one of us."

"One of what?"

"A monster. Ya know, werewolves, wendigos, werecoyotes, etc."

"You believe that crap?"

"Well, um..." She blinked once and when she opened her eyes, they were bright magenta. "Siren."

"Okay, so what am I? A werefox?"

"I think it's kitsune."

"Oh, so I'm Japanese now?"

"Well, you said a necklace took some blood and the fox appeared on your shoulder?"


"Were there Japanese markings on the necklace?"

"I think so." She turned her eyes back to normal.

"Welcome to the freak show.'

The Fox and the Siren - A Teen Wolf FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now