Chapter 11 (Scott)

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Stiles swung his sweater over his shoulder and shakily turned the doorknob. 

"If I don't come back, you can have my baseball bat."

"Not your jeep?" He narrowed his eyes. 

"I want to be buried in that jeep." I threw my hands up in defense. 

"Okay. Have fun on your date." He nodded awkwardly and made a very high pitched squeak. Then, he slowly opened the door and walked down the hallway at a quick pace. I shut the door and sat down on the foot of my bed. I thought back to my conversation with Aurora. I still couldn't tell what happened...

"Hey, Aurora...about me kissing you...I want this relationship to be...well...a relationship." She looked at me with those bright green eyes. 

"I do too, it's just...this is moving pretty fast..." Her phone began to ring. Wow. Horrible timing. "Oh! I have to go! No time to explain! Uh, I'll talk to you later." With that, she whipped around her blonde hair and ran towards the gymnasium. I dejectedly walked back to my dorm. 

Thinking back on this awkward conversation, I face palmed. Why? Why did I mess everything up before the relationship became even slight serious? A knock at the door stirred me from my reflection on my stupidity. I sat up and lumbered over to the door. I tuned the knob and pulled it open to find Aurora waiting on the other side. Her face was scratched and her shirt was ripped. 

"It's a drakon." 

"Woah, what?" Aurora walked in and plopped down on my bed. 

"The creature that killed the person we found in the closet. It's a drakon."

"Don't you mean dragon?"

"No, drakon. It's an ancient Greek giant paralyzing serpent. Except the one we're facing isn't giant. It's almost like the drakon fused with a human to combine their traits to make a compact giant serpent." I nodded.

"Uh-huh. So, we're fighting a tiny dragon?" She sighed angrily. 

"Okay! Either way, it has claws and poison and shit." Her cuts were still bleeding slightly. 

"Do you need stitches or something?" She touched her forehead. 

"No. They'll heal. Eventually." 

"How do we kill it?"

"I do know. Punch punch stab stab?"

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