01 | Meet The Barbies

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"If two points are destined to touch, the universe will always find a way to make the connection- even when all hope seems to be lost

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"If two points are destined to touch, the universe will always find a way to make the connection- even when all hope seems to be lost. Certain ties cannot be broken. They define who we are- and who we can become. Across space, across time, among paths we cannot predict - nature always finds a way."
~ Touch (TV series)

All names, characters and events are purely fictional, and any resemblance to anything or anyone is purely coincidental.

For him.


"There's no sunshine,
This impossible year.
Only black days and sky gray
And clouds full of fear.
And storms full of sorrow,
That won't disappear.
Just typhoons and monsoons,
This impossible year."

"And I was like, 'Oh my god, what is that?', because let's be honest, who even wears plaid anymore?" Bianca scoffed, chattering mindlessly to Adia and the herd of wannabes that sat on our table. Adia and the rest of the girls all nodded sympathetically in sync, as if anyone really gave a damn about what Bianca had against plaid.

"That must've been such a terrible experience," Adia cooed, her face pulled into a fake, sympathetic expression. I rolled my eyes, What a drama queen.

"That's terrible!"

"I can't believe you had to see that!"

"Oh my god, that is so disgusting."

I glanced at the girls who had piped up in agreement, narrowing my eyes at them. I didn't recognise any of them, and I didn't bother to. After all, it was only a matter of time before Bianca got bored of them and replaced them all. I never understood why girls even wanted to be Bianca Harding's friend. She was a total bitch. But who was I to judge? I was sitting on the same table as her, with the title of Bianca's Best Friend taped to my forehead.

"Shut up," I sneered, causing them to shut up promptly. Most of them stared down at their manicured, dainty hands with embarrassment. Others just looked away, avoiding my venomous gaze.

I glanced at Bianca and struggled not to remind her that she herself wore plaid just last week, from the new Burberry collection. But I kept my mouth shut. After all, I was walking on thin ice around her. If she wanted me gone like one of her groupies, she could easily have gotten rid of me. She was the Queen Bee here after all, and she called the shots.

Ever since Ciara Steiger had gotten expelled, Bianca Harding had gladly snatched back her rightful place as the Most Popular girl in school, acting as if she had never been so ungracefully dethroned a few weeks before. As much as Bianca was a pain in my ass, I was really glad that Ciara Steiger was gone. If you think Bianca is bad enough, Ciara was a thousand times worse. Yeah, that girl was a walking nightmare dressed in Gucci.

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