26 | Wake Me Up

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"My spirit's sleeping somewhere cold,
Until you find it there and lead it back home."

The next two days passed by without a hitch. Although the lingering doubt and worry were still on everybody's minds, we were all hopeful. We tried not to worry too much or overthink the situation, and spent as much time together as possible.

It was as if Robin's illness was a catalyst that helped bring us closer together. It was like getting drenched with a bucket of ice cold water, and we treasured the time we had with each other so much more.

Now, Yuko, Logan, Mason and I sat in the living room of my apartment, chatting about everything and anything that popped into our minds.

I should've known there was something a little too perfect.

Our little moment of happiness was short lived when Yuko's phone suddenly buzzed in the middle of our light-hearted conversation with Logan and Mason about who was better looking.

Yuko fished for his phone from his pocket, his serene expression turning into a slight frown. His eyebrows creased when he saw that it was April who was calling. We all knew what this meant.

April had news of Robin, post-surgery.

At this moment, we were all in the dark of his operation, and if he even survived or not. Logan and I held our breath as Yuko answered the call, and watched as he exchanged a few words quietly with Robin's sister. Even Mason, who had never met Robin or Alexandra looked a little worried as he stared back and forth between Yuko and Logan and I.

"-surgery...success," I heard her say through the phone, although her voice was muffled and barely comprehensible. I let out a sigh of relief, but stopped cold when April continued.

"...hasn't woken up...he might not...coma..."

Furrowing my eyebrows, I eyed Yuko for some kind of expression that might give away something. But Yuko's face was a blank slate as he conversed with April, and somewhere in the middle of the conversation I heard her cry out.

"Calm down, April. Give him a little time. He'll come around," Yuko murmured, his jaw ticking with slight frustration. "Call me back if there's any news."

With that, Yuko abruptly ended the call and shoved his phone back into his pocket. Whatever April told him must've been pretty bleak for Yuko to react this way.

"How is he?" Logan couldn't help but but ask, his voice wavering slightly. His eyebrows furrowed and lips drawn into a sad line, he wore worry like a second skin.

"The surgery was successful," Yuko sighed, pausing to collect his thoughts. "But he's in a coma. He's supposed to wake up a day ago, but he hasn't."

"But he's fine," Logan persisted, as if he was counting on Yuko to tell him that yes, of course. Everything was fine.

"We don't know that," Yuko said softly. "But the surgery was a success and that's very good news."

"He'll wake up, won't he? He promised us...he promised Ash that he'll be his best man," Logan mumbled quietly, eyeing his friend in new light, as if Yuko had all the answers in the world.

Yuko gave Logan a comforting smile, although the light didn't quite reach his eyes.

"Don't ask me questions I can't answer," Yuko said softly, a hint of desperation creeping into his tone as he practically pleaded his friend. "Please."

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