jayden is v anger

184 28 13

I remember some of yall saying you were Vietnamese too and yall pretty much the only ones who I think understand where I'm coming from w all this so

(I mean I'm only half Vietnamese but regardless of what the fully Asian people I know have said, I DO COUNT !!)

also my twitter (FOLLOW ME @ vaporftavi AND I WILL FOLLOW BACK!) rants are limited to so few characters

so today is Martin Luther King day, obviously, and MLK really stuck up for us Vietnamese when America was basically not treating us as a friend and letting our people die

His speech inspired Americans to ACTUALLY try and help us which is v nice thank you MLK for all you have done for poc

but idiotic people at my school always just AGH I don't know how to explain this so I'm splitting this into a list

~positives of the Vietnam War!!~
1. the only one is that my dad is in america now and I wouldn't be here if that war didn't happen so it's kind of a good thing

-negatives of the Vietnam War-
1. some Americans treat it as if it is a bigger loss to them than it is to Vietnam. Communism literally took over all of Vietnam. most of the Southern Vietnamese lost their families and homes and literally everything they've ever known, MOST IMPORTANTLY, their freedom. what did yall lose?? your money??? soldiers?? my dad had to leave his country in a boat and come to Mississippi, and no one in his family knew English. who had a greater struggle?

2. Last year I was sitting in the airport and a documentary about the Vietnam War was on the TV and I almost cried watching it. There were politicians in tapes calling it a pointless war and a great loss to America and I couldn't handle it. It made me feel like my existence was pointless, and I shouldn't have even been here.

3. Southern, patriotic kids in my school are always so angry about the Vietnam War. Like it wronged them some how. I get that your grandpa fought in it or whatever, but ahem, the half Vietnamese girl is sitting right there. Shut your ass up. You're ignorant. You weren't even there during the war.

4. Somehow this is the worst war just bc America lost lmao AGAIN, what tf did yall lose besides money?? dignity? yall even HAVE dignity??

I couldn't come up with more reasons off the top of my head but I have such deep rooted anger about this shit it's not even funny I had to get it out

BEFORE any of yall come @ me, if anyone you know served in this war I'm not attacking them but there really are two sides to the story this is just one of them

and yes I'm American too and half white but does that mean I can't judge?? NO. SO DON'T GO 'but you're white/american too!!' I can't tell you how much I hate hearing that. I'm also half asian!! stfu!!


-jayden, ur fave angry marshmallow !

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