Chapter 25 - Lies

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Chapter 25 –Lies

“Is something wrong?” Leon asked me one weekend morning.

The rest of the week could have made it to the top ten weeks of my life. Of course, I haven’t had much of a life before Leon, besides chess club and school and homework and chores… He’s my little piece of heaven on earth. I might just begin to be religious.

In the morning, my eyes would be dazzled routinely by him of course and I’d get to stare at him for a full six minutes and thirty two seconds more or less, every day as he drove me to school. Err… Not that I was counting. Oh, okay. You caught me there.

Well, Leigh and I had done a lot of catching up and I would’ve absolutely taken pleasure in her company if not for her almost constantly petulant and ever so nasty-mannered boyfriend. No single clue what Leigh saw in him, if truth be told, but I couldn’t dare telling her that, could I?

No one seemed to give a fuss over Becky and Matt or the two of us anymore. Hurray! The populars were not so bad as I had imagined after all. Charrie Bolton and co still snubbed their way right at us as with the blond-dyed cheerleaders, but Drake and Reed were the most hilarious creatures I had ever met on earth! No wonder the popular table had always been so boisterous.

Larson and Chuck weren’t bad at all too. Once Leon mentioned the words comic books they were practically as good as best buddies. And I thought I was the geek in that table.

They must’ve gotten over the slim probability that geeks like us possess some kind of bizarre appeal for utterly good-looking boys (Who am I kidding?). Not that I considered Matt good-looking for a single second… Over my dead body!

But wait! There’s more! Yes. And I’m aware that I sounded like the voiceover in some T.V. shopping program, but I couldn’t help it! It’s the Matt-shut-up-inator! It was really effective that I could’ve sworn I had forgotten he existed for the rest of the week. Or perhaps that was because I was so engrossed with gaping at Leon for most of the days. I must have looked like an idiot.

So let us get back to the subject about Matt’s awe-inspiring, astounding and sudden withdrawal from the irksome department. He didn’t taunt Leon or me even once. No stares, no meaningful looks, no desperate, disturbing moves. At least not that I knew of. Well, that was before he made Becky made me promise to tutor him Biology for the weekend. That was downright crooked! So Matt, indeed.

Ugh. Well, yeah. Maybe he is cute. But he was pure evil! And that nullified whatever amiable trait he might’ve been hiding under his sleeves. Positive one plus negative one equals zero! Ha!

He should really learn some Math.

I wasn’t all sure how Becky managed to convince or in a more specific term, begged me to do it. But notwithstanding the fact that Matt won this round, I was pretty single-minded into making the time worthwhile — in other words, make him suffer; give him a taste of hell if possible. Like quiz him every minute or so with things I was sure to make his big head explode. I rehearsed to pop a questions like, who invented penicillin or the telephone or who was the first Russian astronaut in space? Wrong! Not Neil Armstrong! Ha!

“I’m fine,” I replied eyeing at Leon while he tweaked his blue guitar.

His eyes trailed on me from behind his lashes. Thud-thud-thud. My mind went blank as the thumping grew louder inside my chest. The way his blue eyes gazed at me had the same effect as it did in day one.

I wondered if I should tell him about Matt coming over tonight. Or about Matt’s scheme to ruin my entire life. Honestly, I had no idea what would be the worse between the two.

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