Chapter 1

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Hey everyone! So this is just a short fic that I thought of after role playing with my friend. It's about the ship "Papyton", which is one of my OTPs. Hope you enjoy!

Papyrus was sitting in the living room watching Mettaton's newest show, blushing slightly. Sans was sitting on the floor with Frisk, telling them joke after joke after joke. When Mettaton appeared on screen, Papyrus scooted closer to the screen, intrigued.
"Hello beauties and gentle-beauties!" The robot said as he made his way to the center of the stage. He flashed an award winning smile and his eyes twinkled.
"Guys look it's Mettaton!" Papyrus shouted, wanting Frisk and Sans to direct their attention to the screen. Sans chuckled and faced the screen to see Mettaton doing some...unusual things on screen. The skeleton lifted his bony hand and covered the child's eyes.
"Uh, Pap, why are you so interested in this?" He asked, trying to stop the child from prying his fingers apart.
"What do you mean brother? This is my favorite show!" Papyrus replied, never taking his eyes off screen.
"Bro, I think you need to take it easy." Sans said standing up and trying to block Papyrus' view, who ended up just moving their head in the opposite direction of Sans' short body. Frisk tugged on the sleeve of Sans' blue hoodie.
"What is it kid?" He asked, then lowered down so that the child could whisper in his ear. There was a slight pause, the only sound in the room was the voice of the robotic man talking on screen. When Frisk pulled away, Sans had a pure look of shock on his face.
"Really? You think so, kid?" He asked. The child nodded happily. Sans turned to his brother, who was just about 2 feet away from the television screen, a small smile on his face.
"Uh, hey Papyrus?" Sans called.
"Yes Sans?" Papyrus responded, still not tearing his eyes away from the screen.
"Could you possibly l-like Mettaton?" Sans asked, slightly anxious for his brother's response. The question caused Papyrus to break his gaze and look at Sans in pure shock, a strong blush rising on his face.
"NYEH! Heh, what would cause you to ask that b-brother?" He questioned, embarrassingly. Sans didn't respond, he just looked down to Frisk, who nodded. Sans brought his hand to his face, then letting out a small sigh, followed by a few chuckles. Sans walked over to his brother, who's hands were covering his rosy cheeks as he continued to watch the screen.
"Heh, it's ok bro, there's nothing wrong with having a lil crush on Mettaton." He said as he threw his arm around Papyrus' shoulder. Papyrus let out a sigh and looked to his brother.
"Thanks Sans, but it's not like a extremely famous star like Mettaton could love me, The Great Papyrus." This caused Sans to chuckle a bit before speaking.
"Don't lose hope, bro. I bet you could win him over, with that amazing charm you have." Papyrus looked at Sans and pulled him into a great big hug. They both laughed.
"Welp, I'll leave you to finish your show." Sans said as he got up and headed to his room.
The skeleton opened his door and sat down onto his messy bed. His eye began to release a light blue aura as he sighed, resting his head onto his hands.
"My brother's in love with a robot."

Yeah, I know. Kinda corny. But just gimme a chance and I'll make this fic very enjoyable.

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