Chapter 17

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Papyrus arrived at the echo flower patch out of breath. He seemed to be the first one there so he sat down along the flowers and cleared his throat.
"Uh, h-hello echo flowers!" He said awkwardly. The flowers echoed back. "I'm here on a date with my boyfriend Mettaton, he's very sweet, kind, and fabulous!" Papyrus said proudly, pausing to hear the flowers echo back. "He has his own TV show too, that's how we first truly met each other, heh. Yeah, it was a wonderful experience. Y'know, little flowers, I really love Mettaton, I really do. I want to last forever with him, he's perfect for me and I'm perfect for him." Papyrus said, tears swelling in his eyes as he happily listened to his own voice echoing throughout the field. Suddenly, he heard a small gasp from behind and turned around quickly. "M-Mettaton!"
Mettaton was crying silently, gasping for air every few seconds. "Papyrus, that- was- beautiful." He sobbed, hands coming to his face to wipe away the tears. Papyrus stood up and rushed over to hug Mettaton, him silently sobbing too.

Once they had both settled down and wiped away the tears, Mettaton and Papyrus had both sat down with the flowers just as Papyrus did once before. They talked and talked for nearly 2 hours when a certain topic made it's way into the conversation.
"How would you feel if we did live together?" Mettaton asked.
"I would love it! I could make us my delicious spaghetti and you could entertain us. We could sing karaoke every night and Sans and Frisk could stop by every once and awhile if they don't live with us. I think it would be amazing." Papyrus said, his eyes watching the clouds as he spoke what he imagined.
Mettaton chuckled and said, "That would be wonderful, wouldn't it? Well, why not make it come true?" And with that, Mettaton took a deep breath and got down on one knee. Papyrus's jaw dropped, as if he didn't believe what he was seeing. "Papyrus, will you marry me?" Mettaton asked. It fell silent throughout the field, then the flowers began to repeat the question over and over again. Slowly, Papyrus stood up, hands covering his mouth. Then, he began to nod rapidly as tears streamed down his face.
"Yes! Yes, yes, yes!" He said happily, running to Mettaton and wrapping his arms around his future husband. They kissed happily and Papyrus began to bounce with excitement. "We have to tell everyone!" He said as tears continued to fall, grabbing Mettaton's hand, who was laughing happily, and pulling him towards the town.

Best. Day. Ever.

Hello everyone! So the story is nearly over. I plan on writing an epilogue about the wedding, so don't worry about that, but yeah, this is the last chapter of my story. I hope you all truly enjoyed it, I know I did. I have no idea what I'll be writing about next, it could be my own story, or maybe another fanfic. Feel free to leave suggestions on future stories, but I will not be writing lemons! See ya!

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