Chapter 14

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Papyrus ran into the closest of his room and dug out his white and red dress suit. A white coat and pair of pants, with a red tie and black shoes. Grabbing a matching dress hat, Papyrus hurried to the door and shut off his lights.
He arrived at the destination right on time, 12:00. Adjusting his tie, he strutted into the club. Loud music blared as he opened the door and tons of bodies flooded the dance floor. Looking around, he found Mettaton almost instantly due to his towering high over the rest of the people on the dance floor.

Small footsteps crunched on the crisp grass surrounding the club, as lights flickered through the windows. Frisk's tiny tuft of brown hair got stuck in the bush they were hiding in, and twigs poked them with every movement. Pulling out their phone, they typed in what they saw.

"Mettaton! Mettaton!" Papyrus called over the loud noise of the club, politely squeezing past others quickly. Mettaton ooooohed at the sight of Papyrus' suit and nodded approvingly. Then, he grabbed his wrist and pulled him towards the stage and to the table of the DJ. Not saying anything, the DJ looked up and smiled, then gave them both a thumbs up before motioning them onto stage.
"Alright ladies and gentlemen, now introducing Mettaton and Papyrus!" He said, his voice similar to a surfer's, relaxed and cool. The crowd roared and began taking videos. "They'll be singing a song or two for us tonight, so please enjoy!" He said and ran back to the table, clicking around on his laptop until the song began. Cake by the Ocean began to play by DNCE, Mettaton bumped his hips in beat. The crowd went wild as he began to sing. His voice was actually really good. (Well duh he's Mettaton) Papyrus clapped to the beat until the chorus came along. Alone, he doesn't have the best voice because he wants to sound perfect and cover both the melody and harmony, (because he's Papyrus) so he sings both high and low. But beside Mettaton, who's voice was much lower than his, he went higher and harmonized well with his love. Unhooking his mic, Mettaton marched over to Papyrus and got really close to his face as he sang the song soulfully. They were quite the pair, they were fire. After Mettaton made his way back over to his mic stand, the worst thing possible happened. As the final beat hit in the song, Papyrus threw his arms out wide and one hit Mettaton smack in his back. Unfortunately Alphys hasn't updated his look in forever, so an obnoxious switch stayed on his backside like it did when he was a rectangle. His actions paused and he began to shake horribly before filling the club with smoke. Coughs erupted from the crowd before it all cleared as the staff opened up windows.

Frisk tried to see what had happened, but nearly chocked on the smoke doing so. They waved it all away and was just barely spotted by a guard before they dove back into the bushes. Looking through their photos, he saved the one of Mettaton in Papyrus' face.

"M-Mettaton? I'm so sorry, are you alright?" Papyrus said, panic in his voice.
"Yes darling. I'm fine." He told Papyrus, sighing lightly.
"Don't worry I'll just flip your switch back!" Papyrus said, yet was stopped by Mettaton's small arm.
"It doesn't work like that. I only get one change before I require another energy refill. Don't worry Papy dear, we'll get Alphys to help later. Let's just party now." He told Papyrus. He nodded and they both went down the steps onto the dance floor. The crowd applauded and the DJ turned on his turn tables again and started up the music again.

Frisk was shocked. All of that had just happened. Then, they checked their phone, it had already passed 1:30 and they were exhausted. Suddenly, they drifted off the sleep in the warmth of the bush, not another word.

Hello everyone! Chapter 14 is done and I hope you all enjoyed.

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