Chapter 2

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Sans rubbed his eye sockets as the sunlight from his window peeked in.
"LAZYBONES!" Papyrus shouted as he ripped open the curtains. He then pulled off the covers and picked up his small brother, taking large steps to avoid the multiple piles of dirty shirts and socks scattered across the floor (even though he wore the same outfit everyday).
"C'mon Sans. It's nearly noon and you're still in bed." Papyrus said calmly as he carried his brother down the steps and into the living room. Sans groaned slightly as his sight focused.
"So Pap, what have you been doing all morning?" Sans asked, patting Frisk on the head, who was watching some cartoons about talking bears.
"Well, I decided to make spaghetti for breakfast but Frisk just ate toast. Such an odd decision for breakfast wouldn't you say?" He laughed as he exited the kitchen. Sans chuckled to himself. Papyrus then took a seat as the three of them watched Frisk's cartoon together, only speaking to commentate on the bears' ways of expressing themselves.
"They're really, all the time." Sans spoke, cocking his skull in confusion.
"Yes I agree, and they celebrate for the smallest of celebrations. None of which are worthy of celebrating!" Papyrus added.
"How do you watch this, kid?" Sans turned and asked Frisk, who merely smiled and giggled. After finishing the episode about discovering The Lost Strawberry Cave, Sans yawned and stretched. Papyrus rose from the couch and turned to Frisk yelling angrily, "How could they just leave a cliffhanger like that??" Sans chuckled.
"I dunno bro. Do you guys wanna head to Grillby's for lunch?" He asked. Papyrus and Frisk nodded, heading to get ready.

Frisk walked in between Sans and Papyrus, skipping every so often. Suddenly, they both saw a large group of people fighting to get pictures of something with their large flashing cameras. Loud hollers came from both the mouths of men and women, mainly saying "Look here!" and "Sir please!"
"What do you think it could be Pap?" Sans questioned, slowing his pace and sticking his arm out in front of Frisk, as if to say to stand back.
"I don't know Sans. I'll go get a closer look." Papyrus said as he started off towards the crowd. As Papyrus neared the group of people, he heard the person being attacked speak.
"Please, please stop. Just let me, get to my cousin's house." They pleaded.
"T-that voice. Could it b-be?" Papyrus stuttered slightly as he stopped in his tracks. "ATTENTION, ATTENTION. PLEASE LEAVE THIS POOR SUPERSTAR ALONE! HE MERELY WANTS TO VISIT HIS COUSIN!" Papyrus shouted. Nobody heard him. He cleared his throat and spoke once more. "EXCUSE ME. LEAVE METTATON ALONE!" He said as he tried to push his way through the pack of paparazzi. Several words were thrown at him, rather rude ones too. When Papyrus saw Mettaton on the pavement, metallic hands shielding his face, he couldn't help but gasp. The paparazzi muttered to themselves as they tried to fight past Papyrus to get more photos of the sensational superstar. All of a sudden, one man in the far back shouted at something behind him.
"W-woah dude! Chill out!" He hollered as he pushed out of the way and ran off. Then more and more of the men and women ran off, revealing Sans with Frisk on his back.
"Brother!" Papyrus said happily, now that all the people had ran off.
"T-thank you both. They really wouldn't leave me alone! I mean, I know I'm fabulous but after a while it gets quite annoying, haha. H-hey, a-are you alright?" Mettaton asked as he noticed Papyrus, standing in front of him with a large smile and slightly orange face.
"M-Mettaton! I-it's such an honor to m-meet you. I'm T-The Great P-Papyrus, and this is m-my brother, S-Sans. Oh! And that's F-Frisk." Papyrus stuttered, causing Mettaton to chuckle to himself.
"Well thank you very much, Papyrus and Sans. If there's anything I could do for you, just let me know." Mettaton said as he winked at Papyrus, causing the skeleton the go bright orange. Sans started laughing at his brother. Mettaton also chuckled, beginning to turn and wave to the boys. "Bye now!" He waved.
"W-wait! Mettaton!" Papyrus called out, not being able to control himself. Mettaton turned. "I-is it possible for us to maybe, I don't know, g-get tickets to your next show? I mean it's ok if we can't I know you're busy but-"
"Well of course you can! Just stop by my studio tomorrow and I'll let you all in." He smiled as Papyrus' face lit up. Laughing he turned and headed off.
"B-BYE METTATON!" Papyrus hollered. He heard Mettaton laugh in the distance as he turned and waved. Several seconds passed until he knew the robot was out of earshot.
"OH MY GOD SANS. DID YOU SEE EVERYTHING THAT JUST HAPPENED???" He shouted, picking up Frisk and spinning them around. Sans chuckled and nodded.
"Yes I did bro, I think you really hit it off." This caused Papyrus to gasp and pose heroically.
"I, The Great Papyrus, have just carried a full conversation with THE METTATON! NYEH HEH HEH! IT WON'T BE LONG UNTIL HE FALLS FOR MY AMAZING GOOD LOOKS!" He said, then taking off to Grillby's laughing.
"Heh, ya see that, kiddo? I haven't seen Papyrus get that flustered since he met Asgore, and even then he didn't get that orange." Frisk giggled at Sans. Sans laughed along, even though deep down inside...

He was scared.

Welp hello everyone! Sorry for such the long wait for the next chapter. I hope you enjoyed this chapter, I enjoyed writing it. :)

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