Epilogue: The Wedding

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After all the wait, the time has finally come. On the sunny, spring morning that it was, dew covered the grass around the skeleton brothers' house. Papyrus, woken up by his nerves and worries at 5 in the morning, made himself his best spaghetti and even breadsticks.
"Today is the day, Papyrus." He said, looking at himself in the kitchen mirror with his 'Kiss the Cook' apron on and his lucky chef's hat. Sauce stains were splattered on his apron, along with his hat, shirt, and skull. After he finished his breakfast, he happened to drift asleep in the chair he sat in. Finally, more sleep.

After what seemed like 5 minutes, Papyrus was thrown off of his chair by the impact of a small child that tackled him.
"Oh, hello Frisk! Good morning!" Papyrus said, standing up and picking the child up with him. Although the skeleton was upbeat and happy, the child looked panicked and worried. Cocking his head to the side, Papyrus asked them what was wrong. To his surprise, when the child pointed to their digital clock, the skeleton gasped and even cursed under his breath. "8:30? The wedding is at 9! I-I gotta hurry!" He said, setting down the child and sprinting to his room. "Oh, and make sure to wake up Sans, Frisk!" He ordered before slamming the door shut. The kid nodded and ran into Sans' room, who was snoring on the floor. Jumping onto his chest and giggling, the small skeleton laughed sleepily in his raspy voice.
"heh, mornin kid. ready for the weddin?" He asked, sitting up. Pointing to his clock frantically, the child hopped up and ran out of his room and into theirs. Just like his brother, the skeleton cursed under his breath and quickly rose to his feet. He nearly threw himself into the closet he ran so fast.

15 minutes had passed until Papyrus came out of his room. Walking out smoothly while adjusting his yellow bow tie, the tall skeleton was dressed in a black tuxedo with polished shoes.
Soon coming out of his room, the shorter of the brothers came out in a matching suit, but he wore a yellow and blue tie.
Finally, the last of the three came out of their room, Frisk. In a black vest and white shirt beneath it, bow tie, and dress shoes, the child posed dramatically and the brothers laughed.
"Let's get going!" Papyrus said happily, shoving everyone out of the house.

At the church, friends and family crowded the pews as Mettaton stood at the end of the aisle along with the priest. Anxiousness flowed through his circuits (hehe see what I did there) and out of worry, he turned to the priest and asked seriously, "Is my tie on straight?" Laughing, the priest nodded. Suddenly, the organ began to play and everyone turned.
The doors opened and the first (and only) couple to lead out was Alphys and Undyne. Both of them looked absolutely stunning. Undyne wearing a bright white vest and dress pants with heels, and her hair pulled back into a beautiful french braid. Alphys had a sky blue dress on that flowed to her knees and silver heels so she didn't look that much shorter than Undyne. The crowd awed in unison at the sight.
Soon following them skipped Frisk in their adorable getup, throwing yellow flower petals down the aisle. Chasing after them came Asriel, running with a pillow that held two rings, not wanting to be the center of attention. Chuckles were heard from the kid's parents, Asgore and Toriel.
The song changed and everyone rose from their seats. At the other end of the aisle stood Mettaton's future husband, and at his side stood no other than his brother. Now starting into a walk, the brother's smiled happily for what seemed like hours to them. Once they reached the end, Papyrus hugged Sans so tight as he let a "I love you, Sans." escape his mouth. Hugging back even tighter, a tear shed from the small skeleton's eye and nodded. Once Papyrus let go, Sans and Mettaton made eye contact and without a moment to think, Sans shut his left eye and winked at Mettaton happily. At first he was shocked, but then he smiled back.

The wedding proceeded safely and happily. Vows were read, I-Do's were said, and then finally, the best part came. With the few words of the priest, Mettaton dipped Papyrus and they kissed. Everyone rose to their feet cheering, and tears were even shed. Out of everyone here in the church on that lovely spring day, nobody shed tears like Sans did.
Memories flashed through his mind of him and his brother. Together when they played in the lab with their father back in the underground, when they built snowmen (or snow lumps) together, and even when they ate at Grillby's together as a family with Frisk. Tears streamed down his cheeks as he smiled brightly, watching that skeleton that used to be his little brother, grow up.
I love you too, Pap.

That concludes this series! Thank you all so much for reading :)

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